Thriving & Surviving

Kim Yingling, the Tough Kookie Survivor of the Year, has faced the beast, and now she’s ready to celebrate

By Robin Rogers

“Chemo’s a beast,” says Kim Yingling, the 2022 Tough Kookie Survivor of the Year. “I was originally supposed to have 16 rounds of chemo every two weeks,” she says. “I lost all of my hair, lost my appetite, and lost a lot of weight. Chemo zapped all of the energy I had. After round 14, my body said, ‘enough is enough.’”

After chemotherapy, Kim worked to build back her strength, and on January 24, 2022, she had a single mastectomy. Radiation followed in May of 2022, and for six weeks, Monday through Friday, Kim had thirty, yes thirty, rounds of radiation.

Kim Yingling at a recent chemotherapy appointment.

Breast cancer is really the beast. And Kim admits that she wasn’t getting an annual mammogram or check up before she discovered the 3.7 centimeter sized tumor located in her right breast.

“I found the lump myself,” Kim explains, “It felt like a walnut in my right breast. I was in denial at first, so I had my husband feel it, too. Once I saw the look on his face, I knew it was not good. It broke my heart.”

Diagnosed with Stage 2 Triple Negative breast cancer, Kim found her team of doctors and nurses at Collom & Carney Clinic to be aggressive and proactive in her treatments, which she is thankful for. On top of finding a smart, strong team of doctors, Kim says that having a positive attitude is a big part of healing.

“Surround yourself with loved ones. Keep your sense of humor. You will have some bad days, but you will also have some good days,” she says, “Embrace the good days! You are allowed to cry and have a pity party sometimes, but don’t dwell on that. I truly believe that a great attitude during this battle is a big part of the healing process.”

Kim’s tribe has stood behind her through it all.

Without a doubt, Kim credits her family and friends for helping her care for herself when she was too weak and helpless to do for herself. Jim Yingling, Kim’s husband of 46 years, was her steadfast person, and he took care of her every single day during her cancer journey. 

“He was my rock,” Kim says. “He never left my side. The worst part about having cancer is having to depend on someone else to help with everything, and I have never been one to ask for help. But I swallowed my pride and let others do for me.”

Kim recently rang the bell after completing her radiation therapy. Her husband Mike is always her biggest champion.

Jim can’t imagine spending a day without Kim. “We met when we were 12- and 13-years-old in shop class,” he says, “and we’ve been together ever since.” Kim laughs, “I was the first girl allowed to take shop class in school. We have now been together for over 50 years.”

Tough Kookie and Katina Levingston, in particular, have also played a part in Kim’s healing. “Tough Kookie is a great organization! I emailed them the day I was diagnosed with breast cancer,” says Kim. “The next day, Katina and her husband Joe came to my house and told me her breast cancer story. I did not feel alone, and she made me feel like I could fight this! Before they left. Katina said a prayer for me; I needed that spiritual boost.”

Kim Yingling’s team from last year’s Tough Kookie race.

The last eighteen months have been a whirlwind for Kim Yingling. In April of 2022, Kim and Jim took a little vacation to Gulf Shores, Alabama. “We were sitting on the beach, when my oncologist called,” Kim says. “All of my tests came back, and I was cancer free! That was the best phone call I have ever received!”

Now the 2022 Tough Kookie Survivor of the Year, Kim hopes that by telling her story, other women will be encouraged to get an annual mammogram. Mammograms save lives. The sooner cancer is found is always better. 

Mike, Kim, and Jim Yingling at last year’s TRAHC Art Wall.