Faith That is Stronger

After being diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago, Jill Rowe has learned that the simple things in life really mean the most

By Amber Smith Zaliski

No one is ever prepared to have their life turned upside down. There’s never a good time to have an unexpected health crisis. (Quite the understatements, right?) When Jill Rowe was diagnosed with breast cancer in the summer of 2020, it was devastating. It was certainly not part of the plan. Now two years after a double mastectomy, as Jill looks back on her journey through breast cancer, she is immediately grateful. Stronger than ever in her faith, Jill is even more motivated to share her testimony and encourage others.

Jill was riding some of her highest highs in 2020. She and her husband, Kevin, were expecting their first baby together, a dream come true for them to grow their blended family. Their big kids were all doing well. Her holistic health business, Rowe Casa Organics, was experiencing exponential growth, and her products were helping people improve the quality of their lives. Jill was excited, and life was good, and then one day in late July, after a family lake trip, she noticed that the side of her breast suddenly felt very sensitive. “I was six months pregnant, so, of course, I was thinking it had to be pregnancy-related,” Jill said. “But it did not resolve; it actually became more painful and quickly turned into a hard lump.” 

After discovering she had breast cancer while pregnant, Jill went in several weeks early for a planned C-section so that they could get more information on how to treat her cancer.

During her prenatal appointment in the following days, Jill remembers her doctor seeming pretty concerned. She went for more testing, which then led to a mammogram, which led to a biopsy, which confirmed one of Jill’s worst fears. “Breast cancer is something that maybe all women have some fear of, and here I was very pregnant, almost 40 years old, busy running a holistic health business, and all of a sudden, I had breast cancer and was facing my own health crisis,” Jill said. “It was a very scary time, and I had some very dark days. I also knew that I would have to rely on the Lord to carry me through this.”

In the earliest days and weeks of her diagnosis, Jill remembers being overwhelmed with questions, and she had so many concerns outside of herself. “My first priority was getting my baby here healthy. Of course, I was worried about how this cancer or the treatment options would impact her, and that guided many of my decisions.” Rowe Casa was also on Jill’s mind as she began this health journey. “I definitely was concerned about the business and our employees and customers, and whether or not we could survive this. To be the founder and the face of a holistic health company having a health crisis ... I had to reconcile that within myself and remember that the Lord put me in the position to lead this company. I also knew that I had so much more to learn.”

Jill held strong in her faith and stayed true to herself as she began a deep dive into her diagnosis. “Really, I am such a nerd,” she laughed. “I’m a problem solver. I love researching, and I read everything I could get my hands on. One of my favorites was ‘Chris Beat Cancer.’” She also sought out experts in all areas of medicine, conventional and holistic. “It was a very eye-opening experience for me,” Jill said. “During my initial consult at Presbyterian Health in Dallas, they were ready to begin 16 rounds of chemotherapy for Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. Honestly, I was more scared of the treatments than I was of the cancer, and I decided to seek out other opinions.”

At the Kotsanis Institute of Integrative Medicine in Grapevine, Jill remembers feeling instantly more at ease. “Their doctors take a holistic approach to treatment, and I truly felt so supported. They taught me so much about stress management, emotional health, nutritional therapy, and gave me so many options to support my body, especially until I was through my pregnancy,” Jill said. “Even though Rowe Casa was rocking along, and I was using organic products, and doing a lot of things, I still had a lot of work to do, personally. I hate to admit, but I was still having Dr. Pepper and Pop Tarts most days, not sleeping enough, just living in a very stressed state. This really forced me to make some changes. The more I learned, the more I realized just how much our lifestyles are killing us.”

While healing after giving birth, Jill made frequent visits to the Kotsanis Institute in Grapevine, Texas, throughout October 2020 to receive integrative treatments for cancer. Her treatment included many IVs and supplements. It was a great learning experience and prepared Jill to go into a major 10-hour surgery, double mastectomy, and DIEP reconstructive surgery.

In order to move forward with her own treatments, Jill and Kevin decided to plan a C-section birth about six weeks before the due date, and Sage was born September 2, 2020. “I was so afraid, and my biggest prayer was always for her to arrive healthy,” Jill said. “Our doctor was hoping that she would be close to six pounds, and when I heard them announce her birth weight of 7 pounds 7 ounces . . . That is God’s number of perfection and completion, and I just knew we would be okay.”

Sage Avalynn was born perfectly healthy on September 2, 2020. Jill knows that God was with her family during that time, and she loves that Sage weighed 7 lbs. 7 ozs. because in the Bible, the #7 symbolizes “completion.”

As she recovered from birth, Jill was simultaneously preparing for the next steps in her treatment plan. “I did some high dose IV vitamin therapies as well as IPT low dose chemotherapy,” she said. “I also learned that my initial diagnosis was incorrect, and my specific cancer type would not have responded to the suggested chemotherapy treatments. I actually had a slower growing cancer, microinvasive ductal carcinoma in situ, and I wanted to have it completely taken care of.” On Friday, November 13, 2020, Jill underwent a double mastectomy at the Center for Restorative Breast Surgery in New Orleans. “I knew I did not want implants, and opted to do a fat transfer from my abdomen to rebuild my breasts. These doctors and surgeons are doing truly amazing things.” After the 10-hour surgery, Jill was declared cancer free.

Sage’s first birthday party took place on September 2, 2020, at the Rowes’ home and was themed “One in a Melon.” 

Jill’s road to recovery has continued into a health journey that she intends to be endless. “I’ll never stop learning. This experience has changed me, and I feel stronger than I ever have,” Jill said. “I am stronger physically and mentally. My relationships are stronger, and my faith is stronger. It is very motivating to be able to use a personal struggle to better help others.”

Jill’s surgery took place at the Center for Restorative Breast Surgery in New Orleans, Louisiana, with some world-renowned doctors.  Here, she and her sister, Alicia, are celebrating her being cancer-free and being given a 1-2% chance of recurrence with no further treatments needed.

Jill’s passion for educating and encouraging continues to shine through Rowe Casa Organics. “I was so worried during that time that everything would fall apart, but that November as I recovered from surgery, we had our biggest month-to-date,” Jill said. “It was such a reminder to me that God is always faithful.” After continued growth, Rowe Casa Organics now has 75 employees, ships products worldwide, and Jill is happy to be able to give back, recently donating $40,000 to local charities and supporting local ministries throughout the year.

With Jill celebrating her 1-year anniversary of being cancer-free are her husband, Kevin; and kids, Drew, Sage, Alexis, and Hosston. (Photo by Kayla Brint Photography)

As much as we try to plan ahead, to prepare, life remains uncertain always. “I’ve truly learned that the simple things mean the most. I love the everyday things – spending time with my family, celebrating Jesus together,” Jill said. “I definitely feel like I’ve been on the fast track of learning and growth in the last few years, but I’ve never been alone. It has been so amazing to witness God take something so scary and so hard and turn it into something beautiful.”