FSLM Student Profile

Meet TYSO and Texas High Musical Standout Yufan Zhang

By Reese Langdon

The curtain glides open, the audience comes to a hush, and the stage lights brighten to reveal a small-but-mighty army in all black. Each individual tightly holds their instrument, patiently waiting for their conductor to signal that it is time for this army to go into battle. With each note, the Texarkana Youth Symphony Orchestra (TYSO) guides the listeners through an alternate world, giving the audience a beautiful escape from reality. One instrumentalist sticks out from the crowd, as she is placed in the front, powerfully playing her viola: Yufan Zhang.

“When i was little, i was fascinated by sting instruments.” - Yufan Zhang

“When I was little, I was fascinated by string instruments,” Yufan recalled. “I took violin lessons for about three years, and I was praised by my teacher a lot. There just wasn’t really much to do anymore, and I briefly thought about quitting. Instead, I joined the [Texas Middle and High] school orchestra in seventh grade, but then I realized how behind I was.”

At the time, Yufan could not read sheet music because she had learned to play by ear. Further, she quickly discovered that she had been holding her bow incorrectly. She knew that giving up on orchestra would not sit right with her. Instead of quitting, she expanded her musical ability and switched to playing the viola with TYSO for a fresh start. “I started playing in TYSO during the second semester of seventh grade per [conductor] Mr. [Steve] Bennett’s request,” Yufan said. “The principal violist of the time was about to graduate, so in eighth grade, I took the role of principal violist and still am today.”

Yufan now participates in both the TYSO and school orchestra, as well as various clubs at Texas High, which can be overwhelming at times, but she has discovered what methods work to get her back on track.  “I do feel burnt out sometimes, but I just keep my goal in mind and push through with determination so I can get it done,” Yufan said.

Even for a talented musician who has her mental health in-check like Yufan, the orchestra can still provide obstacles that are difficult to conquer.  “The most difficult part of being in an orchestra for me is sight reading the new pieces,” Yufan said. “The first day back from break when we receive the new music always sounds interesting.”

However, without the times of struggle, there would be no appreciation for all the excitement this organization provides. Yufan describes her orchestral experience as a positive and uplifting experience. She would recommend joining the orchestra to those considering it.  

“We may seem intimidating, but we’re pretty friendly people,” she emphasized. “We welcome new members, and playing with an ensemble is a great way to improve. The most fun part of being in an orchestra is interacting with everyone and performing in the concerts.”

The Texarkana Youth Symphony Orchestra quartet—Miriam Bennett, Teagan Jones, Yufan, and Marchaz Pruitt—during a Christmas performance in front of the Perot Theatre.

Yufan feels blessed to be a part of this group and understands that she could not have accomplished everything on her own. Everyone needs a strong support system to chase their dreams, and Yufan has been provided with this support both inside and outside of her home. “My biggest supporters are my parents,” she said. “Instruments are not cheap, and neither are lessons. The fact that my parents have allowed me to have both is more than I can ever ask for.”

Outside of her family, Nicolai Ang, whom Yufan refers to as “the great viola king,” has played an important role in her orchestra journey. “When I first switched to viola, he helped point me in the right direction and also motivated me to challenge myself and keep progressing,” Yufan said. “I admire and respect him a great deal, and he’s been an amazing teacher.”

Not only has Yufan’s skill increased during her time with TYSO, so has her confidence. “When I first started performing, I would always pray that I wouldn’t mess up and hoped that I wouldn’t get memory slips while playing a solo,” Yufan said. “As I gained experience, I gradually loosened up and began to enjoy it more. I still get nervous in the beginning, but as I play through the piece I become so immersed in it that it’s all that’s on my mind during the performance.”

Yufan is still in the infancy of her musical career, but with her bow in-hand, she knows that she can conquer anything thrown at her. She plans to continue playing viola after she graduates high school, so the possibilities are endless for Yufan and her beautiful talent.