FSLM Student Profile

Meet Lynnlee Kuykendall

By Reese Langdon

Dance is a special form of art. It can connect various cultures, generations, social classes and regions of the world due to the absence of a strict rule book or dividing language barriers. Dance proudly includes anyone willing to tell a story or share an expression with their body movements. One such person is sophomore Lynnlee Kuykendall, who is not only a dancer herself but also an assistant teacher at Texarkana Dance Academy.

Taking dance has taught me how to express myself in a positive way to reduce stress.
— Lynnlee Kuykendall

Lynnlee is a student at Genoa Central High School, where she participates in the gifted and talented program, yearbook, track, cross country and cheer. Outside of school, she takes multiple dance classes and is an assistant teacher at TDA, where she assists with the Darby’s Dancers class. 

Darby’s Dancers is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to providing weekly dance classes to disabled young people. “We practice balance, coordination, patterns and strength,” Lynnlee said. “The students learn stretches and fun ways to say active during class.” The Alabama-based nonprofit relies on volunteer dance instructors and donated studio space to provide once-weekly classes to children and young adults with disabilities. TDA has offered classes since fall of 2021.

Lynnlee is passionate about teaching dance to others because she herself has benefited so greatly from the art form. “Taking dance has taught me how to express myself in a positive way to reduce stress,” Lynnlee said. “I have learned patience, discipline and creativity.” These are the same skills she helps her own students develop. Perhaps more importantly, beyond skill development, dance class “is where lifelong friendships are created,” Lynnlee said.