Tribute to Women: Elodia Witterstaetter

Elodia Witterstaetter is the principal of Westlawn Elementary School. She is a devoted educator and was recently honored by the Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association for her outstanding leadership; this same organization in 2020 named her the Region 8 Assistant Principal of the Year. Despite her aptitude and passion, Elodia did not dream of working in educational administration—or of working in education at all.

“I stepped into education by accident,” she said. In 2003, a few years out of high school, Elodia was hired as a receptionist at Texas Middle School. In the two decades since, she has also worked for TISD as secretary, administrative assistant to a principal, administrative assistant to an assistant superintendent, middle school math teacher, assistant principal at Nash and campus principal at Westlawn (her current role). “Each position has provided me with different learning experiences and opportunities to grow both personally and professionally,” she said.

The child of immigrants and a first-generation college graduate, Elodia earned an associate’s degree from Texarkana College with highest honors in 2007. In 2009, she was awarded a bachelor’s degree from Texas A&M University–Texarkana. She continued at TAMU-T in pursuit of her Master of Education in Educational Administration, which she completed in 2013. This month, she will complete her superintendency certification studies with The Ratliff Academy. Elodia’s educational achievements are heads and shoulders above what her younger self imagined possible.

“I didn’t believe that higher education was in my future and was not aware of all the opportunities that were available,” she said, referring to the opportunities presented not only by TC and A&M but also by Texarkana ISD; TISD’s Pathway to Education program empowered Elodia to earn her degree while working as a paraprofessional for the district. “I do what I do because of educators who believed in me long before I believed in myself,” she reflected.

In 2018, Elodia joined Leadership Texarkana, an experience which changed her outlook on community involvement. “Engaging with my community has been a journey in itself, as I spent several years working full-time, going back to school and raising a family,” she said. “Leadership Texarkana gave me the opportunity to work with great community members who are committed to working together with a focus on community excellence, pride and progress. This was a great learning experience on how we can all contribute to make a difference in our community.”

Since becoming a Leadership Texarkana graduate, Elodia has joined the Junior League of Texarkana and been named the recording secretary for the Tough Kookie Foundation. 

Alongside her husband, Randy, Elodia is the parent of three children: 19-year-old Randall (a student at TC), 17-year-old Ryan (who attends Texas High) and 12-year-old Riley (who is at Texas Middle School). “I could not have continued with my educational journey without the full support of my husband and family,” she said. “Our prayer is that we set a positive example for our children and model a strong work ethic and dedication to whatever we set our minds to.”

FSLM asked Elodia ...

What’s something most people don’t know about you? I walked down the aisle on our wedding day to Elvis Presley’s “Love Me Tender.

Name a woman you admire. My mami, Rosa Rodriguez, inspires me. She is always letting my siblings and me know how proud she is of all of us and has pushed us to continue with our education. Neither of my parents were able to finish school when they moved to the States, but she remained persistent and modeled for us what a strong work ethic and determination looked like. She had a goal to become a U.S citizen and was determined to accomplish that goal in her 40s.

What’s your favorite local spot to spend time? Verona Restaurant and Wine Bar, Twisted Fork and Benchmark American Brasserie.

Victoria Herman’s words on Elodia Witterstaetter
I met Elodia through the Junior League of Texarkana, as we are both current members. Last year, I served on the Mistletoe Market committee, and she came to volunteer at the event. When we were first introduced, she struck me as a kind, bubbly person and someone I’d like to get to know better in the future. Then, this past March, I spotted her name in a TISD press release. I was so impressed to read that she was being recognized by the Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association as one of 20 noteworthy school administrators in the entire state. As impressed as I was, I was not surprised; though our interactions have been limited, Elodia’s reputation as smart, kind and hardworking precedes her. Texarkana is fortunate to have her, and I am thrilled that she is receiving the accolades she has earned and so clearly deserves. I look forward to getting to know her better and watching her continue to soar as a local leader.