Tribute to Women: Taylor Richard

When Taylor Richard, the recruitment coordinator for Texarkana College, talks to prospective students about the value of TC, she speaks from experience. A Texarkana native, Taylor spent her formative years as an active student and competitive dancer before setting off for Texas State University in pursuit of a degree in dance. After three semesters, she returned home from San Marcos, ready to put TC’s motto—“a great place to start or start over”—to the test.

“I knew I enjoyed being creative and thinking outside of the box, and someone mentioned cosmetology to me,” Taylor recalled. “I did some quick research and learned that Texarkana College had a great cosmetology program. I decided right then and there that this was what I was going to do. It was a decision that changed my life. I’m very grateful for the TC cosmetology program and the life lessons I was taught while in the program that shaped me to be who I am today.”

Upon earning her certification, Taylor practiced as a working cosmetologist for three years before returning to TC as an instructor. She taught for five years, until October 2022, when she accepted an administrative position on the recruitment team. Having herself been a young adult in need of guidance, Taylor is motivated every day by the desire to help prospective students find their niches. “My passion for my career has been driven by student success,” she said. “I enjoy helping students find what they enjoy most and helping them succeed along the way.”

TC, like all community colleges, offers a variety of paths for student success; one of Taylor’s favorites is the workforce education program, which encompasses cosmetology (near and dear to her), construction, business office technology, culinary arts and more. “Our workforce programs open doors for many students, without those students having to attend school for an extended amount of time,” she explained. In March of this year, Taylor coordinated a “signing day” event for high school students planning to enter the workforce education program. This event “shined a light” on the programs and their excellence, she said, of which she is deeply proud.

Outside of work, Taylor and her husband, Kayde Richard, are proud parents to one son, Branson. “Having Branson has shaped me to be more courageous and stronger-willed,” she said. “I make it my job to be sure I raise a kind and respectful man, while also showing him how to be disciplined and steadfast in your commitments. Having a child was life altering for me and I have enjoyed every second of it.”

FSLM asked Taylor ...

What’s something most people don’t know about you?nI was Clara in the 2009 Texarkana Community Ballet’s production of The Nutcracker.  

What’s your favorite local spot to spend time? I love going to Local Habit. I enjoy going to a coffee shop to relax, and Local Habit is so different from any other coffee shop in town. I can escape there for an hour and unwind. 

Name a woman you admire. My aunt, Angie Reed. She is an amazing example of a woman who gives back to those in need and never expects anything in return. She is selfless and a hard worker. She owns her own contracting company in Tyler, Texas.

Suzy Irwin’s words on Taylor Richard
I have known Taylor since she was a little girl, and I have watched her grow into a successful young professional who excels at everything she puts her heart into. Taylor has a beautiful way of connecting to people of all ages and bringing smiles and joy into every room she enters. As a young girl, Taylor and my daughters, Katy Beth and Natalie Irwin, grew up together and shared their love for dance. The girls were members of Texarkana Dance Academy’s competition dance team, and our families traveled together for many years to compete all around Texas and on several occasions across the US. We all watched as Taylor excelled at ballet, and we admired her grace and stage presence. Taylor’s dedication and skill landed her the coveted part of Clara in Texarkana Community Ballet’s production of The Nutcracker—and she was outstanding in the role! Now, more than 10 years later, as fate should have it, Taylor and I work side-by-side at Texarkana College. Through her leadership as TC’s student recruitment coordinator, Taylor and her teammates have initiated innovative ideas and developed a deeper level of community engagement that benefits future students and the workforce of our region. It has been a true delight to come full-circle with Taylor—from watching her grow and develop through childhood, to now working together as cohorts at TC.