From Panther to Pilgrim

2024 Ashdown valedictorian heads to Harvard
By Lauren Simmons Johnson

photo by shane darby.

Bannon Price, a long-time resident of Ashdown, Arkansas, will soon pack his bags and head northeast for freshman year at Harvard University. Bannon recently graduated as valedictorian of his class at Ashdown High School but said that he still couldn’t believe his eyes when he was accepted in March to the prestigious Ivy League. 

“It was all so surreal,” he said. “I screamed, cried, and ran to my mom and hugged her. More than anything I was shocked.”

The whole town celebrated with him as one of their own was recognized for his outstanding achievements. Mentor and teacher Amy Silva said that Harvard couldn’t have picked a more dedicated and worthy student for admission. 

Bannon with his mentor, Amy Silva. submitted photo.

“Bannon has always been intelligent and kind, but what makes him truly outstanding is the thing no one else sees,” Amy said. “It’s the small things he did in class; like when I would divide the classroom up, Bannon [would choose to partner with] the person he knew no one was going to choose. That’s just who he is.”

Bannon said that mentors like Ms. Silva have shaped his journey and encouraged him to achieve more than he ever dreamed. He also credited growing up in a small town as being a factor of his success, saying that the community of support he has received has given him countless skills and opportunities to grow. 

“I truly believe that if I were anywhere besides Ashdown, I would not have been able to accomplish what I have,” he said. “It is through the incredible support of our community, through the dedication of our amazing teachers and school staff, and through my family that I have been able to achieve this success.”

Another mentor who has always been there to motivate and encourage Bannon is his mother, Jennifer Sansom. Owner of Lick Creek Cattle, Jennifer was described as a “pillar of the community” and has passed down that love for the community to her son. 

“On a ranch, work is long, hard, hot, cold, and generally has a lot of unpleasant times, and Bannon has learned from a very young age that hard work is required in order to succeed,” Jennifer said. “He’s been able to juggle fun and academic work, future career planning like internships, programs, officer positions, and ranch life for several years.”

Bannon said that he plans to major in government and economics and will focus his professional efforts around helping small towns just like the one in which he was raised. 

“Right now, the dream is running for public office and working to craft legislation that gives back to rural communities through increased funding, better education, healthcare, and overall standard of living,” he said. “I also want to work for policies that help the agricultural industry, something that has been a cornerstone in mine and my family’s lives.”

Jennifer said that the Ashdown community has played a large role in supporting her son, and he has given back the to community as well. 

“Our community has been so supportive of Bannon, not just monetarily through sponsorships, fundraisers, and scholarships, but also as mentors, encouragers, and moral and verbal support,” Sansom said. “In turn, Bannon has been lobbying in DC . . . which in the long run benefits us as ranchers, farmers, and rural Arkansans.”

Pictured left to right: Bryan and Governor Sarah Sanders with Bannon and his mother, Jennifer Sansom. submitted photo.

While college inspires growth in many ways, Jennifer said she hopes that her son will never lose his love for learning and making an impact on others. She sees greatness in his future, stemming from the qualities he has developed throughout his life. 

“My biggest hope for his future is that Bannon will be able to find a place where he can serve others in a way that will bring him joy,” she said. “He could go into any field and be successful. I plan to be first in line to vote ‘Price for President’ someday.”

Jennifer said that, while she will miss her son, she knows he can truly accomplish anything he sets his mind to. 

Bannon with Senators Tom Cotton and John Boozman. submitted photo.

“I hope for Bannon’s health and happiness overall as his mom,” she said.  “But I also hope Bannon doesn’t forget where he has come from or what he has overcome, and that he remains as optimistic and hardworking as he is today and achieves all of his dreams with the highest of integrity and character.”

As he transitions from life as a Panther to that of a Pilgrim, Bannon said that, while he is excited for the growth awaiting him at Harvard, he will never forget the community that supported him and dared him to dream bigger and aim higher than he otherwise could have imagined.