Amanda Ables

age: 36 | Realtor | Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Infinity

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In everything she has ever done, Amanda Ables has enjoyed connecting and building relationships with people on a personal level to try and help them attain whatever it is they are needing. As a Realtor at Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Infinity, Amanda gets invited into a very intimate part of people’s lives and is trusted to help them make one of the biggest decisions they will have to make. “I have built some amazing relationships with my clients, and the warmth I feel helping people start their next chapter is honestly the best, most fulfilling thing for me,” she acknowledges.

Engaged to James Kowzic, Amanda has a son, Layne Tadlock, and a future stepson, Jayden Kowzic.  Seeing the kind of young man Layne has turned out to be is Amanda’s greatest personal endeavor.  Since she was a single mother for several years, she and her mother, Lori Ables, devoted themselves to making sure they instilled the best values in him.  Amanda even left a career she loved with Texas Roadhouse to be present for the critical moments in Layne’s growth, and it has paid off immensely.  She says, “Layne is funny, smart, respectful, kind, and seeing him come into his own makes me prouder than any material thing I have ever accomplished.”

While employed at Roadhouse, Amanda served as a corporate trainer and training coordinator.  She won the national award for Training Coordinator of the Year, and was featured on the cover of the yearly training magazine, Texas Today.  As a trainer for Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Infinity, Amanda writes effective training systems dedicated to an exceptional level of service to set new Realtors up for success from the very beginning of their licensure.

Amanda serves on the board of directors of her favorite local nonprofit, Texarkana Repertory Company.  She has been involved on and off the stage since she was a 12-year-old preteen.  In the future, she hopes to coach Realtors on the national level by helping them become acclimated to their new careers.  She explains, “I want to contribute to growing wealth, confidence, and accountability for new agents so that the reputation of Realtors can be strengthened and fortified.”

Best piece of advice:

“If not you, then who?” – Lori Ables, Amanda’s mother

Name something about you that very few people know:

“I still get intensely nervous before a performance or speaking in front of a large crowd, no matter how many times I have done it.”