A Special Kind of Love


Angela and Bishop T.L. Taylor share a commitment to God, education, and each other


photo by: DR. ROBIN ROGERS

photo by: DR. ROBIN ROGERS

The Taylors attended a celebration at the Church of the Living God (C.W.F.F.) to celebrate their pastor and his wife’s 19th anniversary.

The Taylors attended a celebration at the Church of the Living God (C.W.F.F.) to celebrate their pastor and his wife’s 19th anniversary.

During the Bishop’s Banquet Night of Elegance in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Angela and Terry took the time to have their photo taken.

During the Bishop’s Banquet Night of Elegance in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Angela and Terry took the time to have their photo taken.

Angela and Terry dated for six years before they married on June 7, 1986.

Angela and Terry dated for six years before they married on June 7, 1986.

“Can I get a hug, too?”

This was T.L. (Terry) Taylor’s introduction.  He had seen Angela Kinley from afar.  When she hugged his brother at a church revival in Paris, Tennessee, in December 1979, he knew he needed to say something.  Angela’s response to Terry was, “No … I don’t know you like that.”

Terry wasn’t one to turn from a challenge.  “I knew I would ‘accidentally’ run into her at school,” remembers Terry.  As a freshman, Angela was surprised this handsome senior was interested in her.   The next day “I guess I was feeling flirty … and asked if he still wanted that hug,” states Angela.  Then Terry asked if he could carry her books for her.  They both said yes, and that was the first of many yeses the couple would say to each other and their future, despite an unpredictable beginning.

An athlete and distance track star in high school, Terry received a scholarship to Austin Peay State University (APSU), an hour away.  From January until Terry left in August, they spent almost every day together.  “He would run the two to three miles to my house,” states Angela.  “I was excited to see her,” remembers Terry.  “And I could get in extra running practice.”

The anticipated day came for Terry to leave.  “I thought my world had stopped,” says Angela.  “I cried for several days … It was a very lonely time for me.”  The couple mailed letters to each other often and called when they could.   To cope, “I threw myself into my studies,” Angela explains.  She also became involved in her school and church choirs.  Angela later became a Sunday school teacher for early elementary kids and loved it.  

Terry started college life, running four to five miles at 5:30 every morning.  He attended classes for half a day, then track practice again at 2 p.m.  “I struggled [with the freedom] to go … to class the first semester, and my grades suffered,” says Terry.  With stern encouragement from his track coach and “not wanting to tell Angela that I wasn’t taking care of my business,” Terry swiftly corrected his behavior.  “My final two years I was on the Dean’s List and a Class Student Body Senator,” states Terry.  He remained on scholarship and ran for the track team all four years.

Angela graduated from high school in 1983 and attended APSU.  Terry was happy to have her near.  “We enjoyed outdoors a lot … walking, going to the park, hanging out on campus, just being together,” remembers Terry.

In May of 1985, Terry graduated with a bachelor’s degree in History and a minor in Health/P.E., also receiving his teaching certification.  The very next month, while parked in front of her house, he said to Angela, “I want you to marry me.”  Angela saw the ring, screamed, then ran inside to tell her mom she was engaged.  “I left Terry in the car,” exclaims Angela.  “I hadn’t even said yes yet!” 

The couple married on June 7, 1986, with the sun shining after a rainstorm. “People say if it rains on your wedding day that it’s a sign of good luck,” says Angela. “I don’t know about that … but the Lord has surely been good to us.”

It was important to both that they finish their educations.  “Our parents worked hard in the local factories and hospital to make a living,” Angela explains.  “We wanted to have the opportunity to work in a profession of our choice.”  Terry sought a master’s degree in Administration and Supervision, while Angela worked on her bachelor’s degree in Health Education with a minor in Psychology.  

The Taylors’ daughter, Terah, has followed in her parents’ footsteps and also works in education.

The Taylors’ daughter, Terah, has followed in her parents’ footsteps and also works in education.

Education isn’t cheap, and the couple, even before marrying, helped each other financially.  “I worked through high school and sent money to Terry when I could,” states Angela.  Terry was a resident assistant in the dorms, a grad assistant to the track team, and delivered and arranged flowers for a flower shop.  “When he had money, he would send it to me,” remembers Angela.  “We kept on encouraging each other that one day it would all be worth it.”

Terry graduated with his master’s degree soon after the wedding and was offered a position at their alma mater high school.  The decision wasn’t easy.  Angela remained at APSU while Terry moved back to Paris.  He taught three history classes and coached ninth grade boy’s basketball, football, and varsity boy’s soccer.  “I was the only girl married in the dorms,” states Angela.  This arrangement continued for a year and a half, typically seeing each other only on weekends and holidays.

Angela finished college in December 1989 and began working various jobs, eventually becoming a County Health Educator.  She visited local schools and community centers teaching healthy habits, correct car seats for babies, smoking cessation classes, and much more.

On July 1, 1993, Terry and Angela welcomed a baby girl to their family.  “Terah was such a joy to have in our lives … I would sit in the rocker for an hour and sing songs to her,” remembers Angela.  Even though Terry was gone a lot with coaching “he got up every night … and gave bottles and changed her diapers.”

While in Long Beach, California, before the national church convention, Angela and Terry stopped for a bite to eat at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.

While in Long Beach, California, before the national church convention, Angela and Terry stopped for a bite to eat at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.

The following year, Terry became the varsity boy’s basketball head coach.  He also began the process to become an ordained minister.  “My initial thoughts were ‘no, not me,’” says Terry.  But “when the Lord speaks clearly, [there’s] nothing else to do but say yes.” 

After three years of tutelage under a pastor, Terry was ordained as a minister in The Church of the Living God.  Soon after, he was offered a position to pastor a church in Texarkana.  “I didn’t feel I was ready,” explains Terry.  Also, life was good for the family in Paris, and Terry enjoyed teaching and coaching.  The family waited a year, and in 1989, when the offer came again, they agreed.  Angela trusted the process, but knowing she would be leaving all they knew, she questioned, “Are you sure God said ‘preach’… not ‘teach?’”

Their decision to trust God and move has not only benefited them but has benefited the Texarkana area.  Angela has served as a substitute teacher at TISD, and a paraprofessional at Theron Jones Elementary School.  She attended Texarkana College and TAMUT to achieve her teaching certification and master’s degree, and has worked as a Pre-K teacher at Nash Elementary since 2001.  “Teaching the little ones is my passion,” states Angela.  She has continuously served on the Praise and Worship team at their church.

Terah graduated from Texas High School, attended and graduated from the University of Houston, and now serves as an assistant teaching aide at Spring Lake Park Elementary.

Terry has continued to pastor The Church of the Living God in Texarkana since 1998 and has worked in various teaching and integral leadership capacities at North Heights Jr. High, College Hill Middle School, Texas Middle School, Texarkana Arkansas School District, and the Collegiate Academy at the University of Hope-Texarkana.  He wrote a grant to open the Washington Academy Charter School, serving as director for seven years. “I loved the teaching and the development of young minds … and to help mold [youth] into productive citizens [is] rewarding,” states Terry.  He currently works as Associate Principal at Arkansas High School.  “He goes where he’s needed,” expresses Angela.  “His administration in the school is equal to his administration at the church.”

This summer, Terry and Angela will be married 35 years.  They both agree that laughter is a component of lasting marriage.  “He loves to joke around  … and I love to sneak up and scare him,” laughs Angela.   They have proven repeatedly that they are willing and ready to say yes by showing a commitment to God, a commitment to education, and a commitment to each other.