Casey Nichols

age: 38 | Superintendent | Ashdown School District

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Casey Nichols has worked his entire adult life for the benefit of students. “As a lifelong educator, I have had the opportunity to touch thousands of lives in the Texarkana area, hopefully creating community leaders who will continue to make Texarkana thrive for generations,” he said. “Over the last 16 years, I have had the opportunity to work directly with kids as a teacher and principal before moving into central administration as a director, executive director, chief operating officer, and superintendent, which has allowed me to expand my influence, regarding decisions that make a positive impact on students and our community.” 

Having recently accepted his position as superintendent of Ashdown School District, Casey is looking forward to meeting the needs of the district’s students. “I view [this new appointment] as an amazing opportunity to expand my positive influence and do great things for kids,” he said. 

Best advice you’ve ever received:


A husband to Megan Rose, and dad of two young children, Abigail Rose and Emily Rose, with a baby boy on the way, Casey’s future surely holds many moments with his family, to whom he is primarily devoted. He also sees himself continuing his legacy as a dedicated public educator. “My passion is education,” he explained, “and I fully intend to continue making a positive impact on the lives of our youth for years to come through my involvement in public education.” 

Name something about you that very few people know:

“Since I was a kid, my father and I have worked on cars together. Over the years, we eventually got into drag racing, and then started building cars ourselves. This is something that I would not trade for the world and has proven to be very special to me as time has passed.”