Cody Adams

age: 29 | Marketing - New Clinic Specialist | HealthCARE Express

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As the New Clinic Specialist for HealthCARE Express, Cody Adams moves from clinic to clinic, setting up new facilities and promoting brand awareness across Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. He gets the unique opportunity to spend time in smaller communities and combat the stigma that there’s nothing to do. Creating events allows him to use his creative side while promoting a business and culture that he truly believes in.

Professionally, Cody feels fortunate to have a very fulfilling career. “It’s rare to find a job that allows a person to sustain their livelihood, but also fosters a sense of passion for personal growth and leadership,” he explained. “That’s what I have with HealthCARE Express. I have so much love and passion for this amazing company that cultivates leaders and growth from top to bottom.”

Best advice you’ve ever received:


Serving the community is part of HealthCARE Express’s mission, and Cody gets to be on the frontlineof those efforts. Whether it’s their Teddy Bear Clinics or Klondike Leadership Academy, HCE helps engage families and children in the communities they serve.

Personally, Cody admits that becoming an uncle six years ago has changed his life in more ways than he could have ever expected. “Watching this little girl grow up and being a part of her life is huge for me, and it’s something I love and value dearly,” he said. Spending time with his niece, cooking, and reading are Cody’s favorite pastimes. He also enjoys exploring interior design magazines and books. “I love finding out what can be done with limited spaces and how surrounding oneself with things that matter can truly tell an individual’s unique story,” he admitted. “I also consider myself to be a novice, but I aspire to be a great cook. Plus, cooking gives me the opportunity to spend time with my family, so it’s like a two- in-one.” 

Name something about you that very few people know:

“I am pretty much an open book, but I have a really crazy addiction to sunflower seeds.”