The 411 on COVID-19


with Dr. Matt Young, Local Health Authority for Bowie County

With many confirmed cases of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in Bowie County as well as many surrounding counties, FSLM recently reached out to Dr. Matt Young, Local Health Authority for Bowie County, to see what guidelines that he suggests for citizens to follow to stay as safe as possible during this pandemic.


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How many confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been found in Bowie County and Miller County?

As of 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 23, 2020, the Bowie County Emergency Operations Center reports 89 confirmed cases, and the Miller County Emergency Operations Center reports 34 confirmed cases.

What is the #1 safety tip that you suggest for all people everywhere to use?  

We highly recommend that everyone follow CDC guidelines.

Does wearing masks and gloves help diminish the chances of contracting the Coronavirus?

The CDC is now recommending masks for people going out in public but not gloves.  Gloves can give one a false sense of security due to cross-contamination issues.  Hand washing is a much better choice.

The CDC has issued a warning against taking non-pharmaceutical chloroquine phosphate.  What is the reasoning behind this warning?  Are there any over-the-counter medications that you suggest people take if they have symptoms?

There is a commonmisconception about the difference between pharmaceutical grade hydroxychloroquine and non-pharmaceutical chloroquine phosphate.  The non-pharmaceutical chloroquine phosphate is for marine life and is not meant for human consumption.  It can be harmful to your health.  Tylenol or Motrin may be used to treat fever and body aches.

How do people get tested for COVID-19?

Depending on your symptoms and clinical presentation also with exposure history will help decide if it’s necessary.  Guidelines may change, and we are trying to follow the recommendations of the CDC. 

How long do people have to remain quarantined once they have been diagnosed with COVID-19?

If you have been diagnosed, you should remain quarantined if all symptoms have improved and at least seven (7) days since onset of symptoms and no fever for 72 hours (without use of fever reducing agents).

If you have been exposed, we recommend following CDC guidelines which may include 14-day quarantine or monitor symptoms depending on your exposure. 

Many essential businesses are still open, including grocery stores.  What safeguards should people use while out shopping for food?

Wear a mask if you have one available but most important, observe the social distancing guidelines of 6 feet, frequent handwashing, and don’t touch your face.

Where is the most trustworthy website for people to visit for reliable, up-to-date information about the virus? or

Is there a local hotline that people can call to find out more information if they have a question relating to this health crisis?

You can call the Emergency Operations Center at 903-255-5560.

Rumor has it that the virus does not like warm weather.  What are your thoughts on this?  Do you feel that we will have a reprieve from the pandemic once the weather really warms up?  How likely is this to come back in the fall before a vaccine is established?

There seems to be mixed information about this issue.  There is a pretty substantial outbreak in areas with warmer climates in other parts of the world so that may be wishful thinking.  The CDC is stating to expect a reoccurrence in late Fall or Winter.