Launching Into a New Decade
Pastor Jeff Schreve looks forward to expanding the outreach of From His Heart Ministries to reach more people around the world
Country Club Church ... in 2003, when Dr. Jeff Schreve was called to pastor First Baptist Texarkana, the Pastor Search Committee eluded to this title tainting their image in the community. “When I came to FBC, the Committee told me that the church had a reputation for being a country club for well-to-do people in town. They saw this perception as something that needed to be changed,” Pastor Jeff said.
In nearly 17 years of pastoring FBC Texarkana, Pastor Jeff has witnessed a wonderful transformation take place in the church. “One of my greatest blessings has been the obvious work of God in our church, transforming us from a country club to a hospital for all people, a place where we worship the Lord in spirit and in truth and experience the life-changing power of God,” Pastor Jeff shared. “The church is not a place only for the upstanding but also for the down and out—where prodigals can find grace and forgiveness, and Pharisees can humble their hearts and find true salvation.”
At 17, Pastor Jeff’s life was radically transformed by Jesus Christ and because of that change and the continuous work of Jesus in his life, his heart beats for others who have not yet experienced salvation, as well as fellow-believers in Jesus who need encouragement in their faith journey.
“I am a human being with struggles, trials, and problems. I don’t have it all together or all figured out. I am far from perfect … but I am genuine. My life has genuinely been transformed by Jesus Christ. He saved me at the age of 17, and He has not stopped working on me since.”
Debbie and Pastor Jeff look forward to seeing more lives changed as a result of their ministry to others.
Before moving to Texarkana, Pastor Jeff served in Houston’s Champion Forest Baptist Church. At Champion Forest, the Lord placed media ministry in his heart. Therefore, when he was called as pastor of FBC in 2003, he was very excited about the television ministry the church had established. “Early on, I began to work on the TV Ministry to make it as good as it could be to reach people for Christ. From His Heart Ministries was a natural outgrowth of the local TV broadcast, taking the sermons preached at FBC Texarkana and airing an edited version of them around the country.”
From His Heart Ministries (FHH) was birthed in late 2004 and began broadcasting on Family Net, a national TV network airing in smaller cities around the country, in January of 2005. “FHH began on a shoestring budget. Two gentlemen heard I was starting a national ministry, and they partnered with me to do so. We kicked off with $35,000, enough to pay for the setup of the ministry, a website, and one year of broadcasting on Family Net.”
Pastor Jeff and Debbie with their children and grandchildren during Christmas 2018 at First Baptist Church. Pictured are: (front row) Lindon and Jill Budzilowski, Amy Schreve, Debbie Schreve, Emmy Budzilowski and Sarah Lindsey; (back row) Jay Budzilowski, Pastor Jeff Schreve and Tyler Lindsey.
Bill Skelton, the Executive Director of Love Worth Finding, the television ministry of the late Adrian Rogers, counseled Pastor Jeff to establish the ministry as a separate 501(c)(3), so it could be separate from the church, avoiding any messiness or confusion when ministries are comingled.
“FHH is the pulpit ministry of FBC Texarkana. We exist to share the truth and love of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible via TV, radio and the internet. We want to reach unbelievers with the gospel and strengthen believers in the Word of God. From day one, I have never taken a penny of compensation from FHH.”
Pastor Jeff is fortunate to have a host of talented, committed individuals ministering behind-the-scenes to help FHH fulfill its mission. Dr. Larry Nobles has served as Vice President of FHH since 2009. Larry and his wife, Vicki, have overseen the ministry for the last 10 years.
“Larry came to us from Love Worth Finding, having served Adrian Rogers’ ministry for 13 years. At the end of 2019, Larry is going to step down from the day-to-day operations and focus on the voice-over aspects of the ministry. Casey Shannon has been recently hired to take over for Larry in the position of Executive Director.”
Jay Budzilowski, Pastor Jeff’s son-in-law, is technical editor and wife, Debbie Schreve, steers the accounting office. Lana Camp works in customer service, Toni Blaeholder works in donor relations, Jill Budzilowski, Pastor Jeff’s daughter, works in accounting and website-related functions, and Jean Arnold helps in product fulfillment. The staff, along with the support of a faithful prayer team lead by Judi Emmerling, allows FHH to make an impact around the nation and reach 182 countries around the world.
“FHH was founded on this mission statement, ‘No matter how badly you may have messed up in life, God still loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life.’ He can give beauty for ashes for those who will turn from sin and put their trust in Jesus,” Pastor Jeff shared. “I want people to know that we will always preach the truth in love. We will not capitulate to the pressure of the culture to tell people what they want to hear, but will strive to tell people what they desperately need to hear—what the Lord clearly says in His Word.”
Viewers can tune in on American Family Radio, Calvary Satellite Network, Hillsong Network, Faith Radio, Moody Radio, KHCB Radio, NRB Network, Cornerstone TV, Walk TV, and most recently on FAMILY TALK channel 131 on Sirius XM Radio.
Amy, Pastor Jeff, Debbie, Sarah, Jill, Emmy, Lindon and Jay during Sarah’s wedding at First Baptist Church last August. (Photo by Cristi Hoyt Photography)
“We began airing on Sirius XM about five years ago with an early morning time slot: 1:30 a.m. PST (3:30 a.m. CST, and 4:30 a.m. EST). In June of 2019, we were offered a great opportunity to expand our outreach on Sirius XM with a 6 p.m. PST drive time slot (8 p.m. CST).”
FHH has tremendous opportunities as it launches into a new decade. “In 2020 and beyond, we are going to look at ways to expand our outreach through traditional and nontraditional ways (digital platform) to reach more people than ever with the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
In nearly 17 years, Pastor Jeff has witnessed God changing the atmosphere of his church into a warm and welcoming place for all people. “We definitely don’t water down the Word, but rather speak the truth in love. We worship with our hearts and not just our lips … and experience the presence of the Lord every time we gather together. It’s exciting!”
Because of the transformation of the church and the transformation of Pastor Jeff’s life at 17, his continual desire will be to share the message of Jesus to as many people as possible through as many means as possible. “I endeavor to remain faithful to the Lord and His Word. I would love to see God bless the ministry to a far greater degree spiritually, numerically and financially. I would love to see a flood of testimonies of changed lives as a result of the broadcast. I count it a tremendous privilege to be called into the ministry. I want to honor and glorify Christ above all else.”