Jessica Bolton

age: 31 | Owner | Red Door Dance Academy


As a business owner, Jessica Bolton has her hand in every aspect of her dance studio. From construction projects and social media marketing to sanitizing the studio and teaching dance – she does it all. “It’s important for me to focus on building relationships with students and parents in order to better serve my clientele,” she explains.  “The more I understand parent and student demands, the better business owner I can become.”

Although she can’t recall any huge life events that call for extraordinary celebration or praise, Jessica focuses on celebrating life’s little victories that can be found in the mundane.  She says that her greatest accomplishment is having a positive outlook on life that allows her to find joy in many little things.

Producing Red Door’s 2020 dance recital during a pandemic is, hands down, Jessica’s greatest professional achievement.  “Our kids showed true resilience this year – choosing to come to virtual dance class and practice recital dances ‘online only’ wasn’t always ideal, or even exciting – especially since 100% of children’s physical activity and face-to-face interaction converted to screen-to-screen interaction,” Jessica comments.  “I think the high quality of our 2020 recital amidst a pandemic is something I will always be proud of.”

Jessica is a member of the Opportunities, Inc. Angel Guild.  Her grandfather, Sonny Williams, was the president of the school board for Opportunities, Inc., and her mother is the current president of the organization’s Foundation board.  “I am so humbled to now be a small part of an organization that does major things for children in our community. I also serve on the board for Women for the Arts, a subsidiary of TRAHC, which provides volunteer and financial support for arts events in our community,” she explains.  “I also volunteer my time for Temple Memorial Pediatric Center’s annual fundraiser, ‘Dancing with Our Stars.’

“My 10-year bucket list is HUGE, and I don’t dream small,” Jessica admits. “The list definitely includes building a state-of-the-art facility for Red Door, staffing five or more teachers, having three or more children with my husband, John, funding a mission trip (with my family), becoming a better friend, and staying healthy among other things … I better get busy!”

Best piece of advice:

“If it excites you and scares you at the same time, it probably means you should do it.” — Rhee Gold, Jessica’s professional mentor

Name something about you that very few people know:

“I performed on Broadway in NYC as a 17-year-old kid!”