Kayla Brint

age: 28 | Photographer and Educator | Kayla Brint Photography www.kaylabrint.com

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Photographer Kayla Brint saw a need: creatives in the area were hungry for community. Seasoned professionals and novice creators alike were seeking opportunities for education, collaboration, and fellowship. So Kayla decided to found a local chapter of the Rising Tide Society (RTS).

“RTS is a group of creative entrepreneurs and small business owners who believe in community over competition,” Kayla explained. “Each month, free business content is given to the leaders to share with the group. I’ve been leading this group since March. It’s been so wonderful getting to know the movers and shakers of our community.” 

Best advice you’ve ever received:


Leading an RTS chapter made a lot of sense for Kayla who teaches a basic photography course at Texarkana College and is a creative entrepreneur. For a long time, she has been empowering parents to capture everyday photos of their children. “I’ve been teaching moms how to use their DSLR cameras for years,” she said. It wasn’t until recently, however, that Kayla began to understand that she could leverage her

experience as a photography educator to benefit small business owners in the community. “One day I realized that I had accidentally created a tool that can help business owners save and make money with amazing visual content,” she explained. “I’m so excited to be offering my first class for entrepreneurs thisfall.”

Kayla admits that her husband, Chase, is her greatest advocate. “I’m not easy to live with. I have crazy goals and dreams, and he’s been my #1 supporter since 2013. I am so grateful for Chase,” she said, adding that they are also very proud of their son, Worth.

Kayla is happy she gets to work both as a photographer and as a photography educator. “Just to be in business is a blessing,” she said. “To be able to make a living while doing something I love? That’s a dream come true. But every time a person sees their photos and cries, or when I get to witness the joy on someone’s face when they finally understand how to use their camera . . . those are the best accomplishments I could ask for.” 

Name something about you that very few people know:

“I ran a marathon once. 26.2 miles in San Antonio. It was almost 10 years ago, and I’m still talking about it.” #neveragain