LaKesha Taylor | Educators Touch the Future


LaKesha Taylor has been in public education for 17 years. Since the pandemic began, leaders in education have been tasked with making unprecedented decisions that would keep students safe while continuing to foster learning. This has been no simple undertaking, and leaders like LaKesha put students, especially their safety and success, at the forefront of their minds every day of the year. Trying times have plagued many school leaders but Principal Taylor has pushed through with her contagious smile and determined attitude to put kids first in her role.

photo by: ABBY ELLIOTT

Why did you decide to be an educator?  

It is simple.  This is what I was called to do. I must admit, I tried to run away from my calling when I graduated from college but God had other plans. I have always worked with kids whether it was volunteering at the Boys and Girls Club, working and leading the youth in my church, or just taking care of my little cousins. So really, it’s not about why I decided to be an educator, but more about why I am still in education. This is my 17th year, and I still love it! I love being able to positively impact the lives of my students and staff. I love seeing them gain new knowledge and witness the excitement they have on a daily basis. I love seeing the staff step out of their comfort zone to ensure their students are successful. There may be challenging days, but the success stories outweigh those days.

Name one thing about your profession that people might not know.

As the principal of a campus, it is not about me. It is and will always be about my students and staff. Being in this position requires educators to expand their views and needs to encompass the needs of others before their own.

Who has helped you become the person you are today, and how did they inspire you?

I have been blessed throughout my life to learn from my parents, pastor, educators, and professional learning opportunities to gain the knowledge and skills needed to be the person I am today. I will continue to personally and professionally grow.

Tell us one thing you can’t do without on Thanksgiving Day and explain why.

If I have to choose one thing, it would be the food. However, if I am being totally honest, it would be the food and family. I feel you cannot have one without the other. 

What do you love most about the Four States area?

I absolutely love the “hometown” atmosphere and the proximity to the recreational activities available in the Four States area.

What lessons have you learned from the pandemic?

The need to be willing to think “outside the box” to approach and solve obstacles with flexibility and creative solutions.

How would you like for others to remember you?

I want to be remembered as being one who led through faith, with compassion, and had the ability to encourage others to maximize their own potential through empowering, teaching, and trusting the staff.