Marissa Lyn Escobar

age: 31 | Instructional Facilitator at College Hill Elementary School | Texarkana Arkansas School District

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Marissa Escobar always knew that God intended for her to be a mom. Once she and her husband, George, received the news that they were going to have a little girl, Marissa experienced the greatest joy she has ever felt. “Watching Maebry Belle grow and learn has been so much fun, and as cliché as it sounds, I am so thankful that God chose me to be her mama,” she said. “She is my greatest delight and sunshine even on the cloudiest days.”

As an instructional facilitator, Marissa plans professional development for teachers so that they can provide high quality educational experiences for students. “I help them become the best teacher they can be and realize their full potential, so that they can help our students do the same,” she explained. “I help foster a community of learners at College Hill Elementary. When I transitioned from the classroom into my current role, I knew that I could touch even more students’ lives by helping their teachers create powerful lessons. Children are our future, and they truly are the why behind every step of my career.” 

Best advice you’ve ever received:


Obtaining a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction with a 4.0 grade point average is Marissa’s greatest professional accomplishment. She enjoys working for TASD and is very proud to be a Razorback!

Marissa serves as a greeter and member of the First Time Guest Team at Heritage Church, and is an active member of the Junior League of Texarkana. She co-chaired the League’s Once Upon a Prom project last year, and looks forward to being on the Mistletoe Fair Committee this year while serving as one of the Decorations co-chairs.

In her spare time, Marissa enjoys vacationing with family and friends in Florida, being a room mother for Maebry’s class at Williams Day School, painting, creating wooden door hangers, decorating, reading, and shopping. 

Name something about you that very few people know:

““Well ... my favorite color is glitter, but anyone who knows me knows that! Something most people don’t know is that my husband and I met on a blind date and have been together ever since.””