Marjorie Slimer

age: 22 | Caterer/Owner | Slice of Slimer

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While growing up, Marjorie Slimer always knew she wanted to be a caterer.  As the owner of Slice of Slimer, Marjorie caters parties and weddings, and hosts in-house private chef gigs.  She explains, “My whole family loves to cook. My business is pretty much family-based! Everyone who works for me is my family, or I consider them family, so it’s fun to be able to spend time together while prepping for events or catering.”

Although she just started catering a few years ago, she is excited about the future.  Her plans are to open a storefront, Franklin’s Kitchen + Catering, within the next year.  “It is exciting to see how much I’ve progressed and learned over the years,” she says.

Even on her days off, Marjorie can usually be found in the kitchen testing recipes.  She enjoys having friends and family over to test her cooking skills.  If she is not in the kitchen, she and her boyfriend, Luke Moczygemba, spend time together on the water, boating and fishing.  

“I really think my greatest personal achievement is doing what makes me the happiest and knowing what I really want to do,” she explains. “A lot of people think you HAVE to go to college, so I grew up thinking that was my only option. I am proud that I was able to make the decision to leave college (TCU) and go to culinary school.”

Supporting people and organizations in the Texarkana area is important to Marjorie. She always tries to assist farmers in this area by incorporating locally-sourced food into the private dinners she caters.   She also works closely with Opportunities, Inc. and looks forward to being a member of the Angel Guild.   She serves on the committee for the Alzheimer Alliance’s Twice as Fine Texarkana Wine Festival, helping plan and organize the event.  She also gives back to the Texarkana Animal Shelter and other local animal rescue groups through donations and encouraging people to adopt pets.

Best piece of advice:

“Start early, and stay up late!” —Bobby Dowd, Marjorie’s grandfather

Name something about you that very few people know:

“I adopted a dog, Mac, from our animal shelter when I was supposed to be dropping off a food donation! He is named after my favorite band, Fleetwood Mac.”