Patrick Dodd
/age: 29 | Financial Advisor | Edward Jones
As an Edward Jones financial advisor, Patrick Dodd works closely with his clients to help guide them toward retirement, college planning, provide estate considerations, or review other goals they want to achieve so that they can enjoy what is most important to them and their family. “I was raised in an environment where finances took a back seat and were stretched paycheck to paycheck. I remember telling myself that when I go to a restaurant, I don’t want to look at the price. I want to order what I want,” he remembers. “During and after college, I was introduced to the financial side of things and realized at an early age how important it was to have a plan. So I made a mission to have my own practice so that I could coach and lead my clients to their vision of financial freedom. I do what I do to help my clients improve their quality of life for them and their family.”
Patrick was the first in his family to graduate from a university with a four-year degree. He worked two-three jobs to pay for college and graduate debt-free while attending college full-time.
Patrick admits that “being a dad is one of the best feelings in the world.” He and his wife, Sarah, have a 3-year-old daughter, Adeline, and a 7-month-old daughter, Ada Blake. Their family enjoys traveling to different places, and Patrick likes to hunt, as well. Currently, Patrick is a member of Greater Texarkana Young Professionals, the Texarkana USA Regional Chamber of Commerce, and Gideons International.
When pondering what he sees himself doing in 10 years, Patrick replies, “That is a good question. I always ask my clients that question, but I never ask myself. In 10 years, my plan is to still be in Texarkana, continuing to build my practice with Edward Jones, while hanging on for dear life to my two little girls because they will be trying to grow up on me.”
Best piece of advice:
“Son, can’t never could, and won’t never will.” Leroy Jones, Patrick’s grandfather
Name something about you that very few people know:
“I am not sure how it happened, but from time to time, I will have a church or a pastor call me and ask me to fill in and preach for them while they are away on vacation or without a pastor. I really enjoy it, and I am sure a lot people don’t know that about me.”