Penny Allred
/Penny Allred
Four States Living Tribute To Women
Happily married for 42 years, Penny Allred and her husband, Bud, are blessed with a son, Jeff Allred, and two daughters, Brandi Quinn and Amber Fry. She admits that all three of their children possess “amazing hearts, unique gifts, and an ever increasing love for the Lord that has made them each strong in their own faith.” The Allreds also have four grandchildren, Garret, Gavin, Addison, and Mason, who are the loves of their lives!
Penny and Bud with their “grand” kids: Gavin (14), Garret (18), Mason (9), and Addison (10).
The first 12 years of Penny and Bud Allred’s marriage, Penny was fortunate to be a homemaker. She says, “I would not trade anything for getting to be home with our three children.” She then worked part-time in the Texarkana College Administration Office, Sunshine School with a room full of preschoolers, as her church secretary, then finally, Basic Software Systems, where she has worked for the last 20 years.
“Basic Software Systems has been a place of growth and knowledge in so many ways,” Penny acknowledges. “This is our 40th year in business, and we have seen some incredible things regarding the advancement of software technology in our industry. I started out as a dispatcher answering phones 20 years ago. I am currently the Director of Customer Accounts and a member of our Executive Board of Directors. I have a great respect and honor for the owners and all the work that we have accomplished there together.”
Although Penny loves her job, she finds true solace at home on her 10 acres. “I love horses! It is amazing what a good friend a horse can be ... they listen intently and never judge. I guess we should all take lessons from them!” she admits. “I also love working outside. Just give me my lawn tractor, a weed eater, some pruners or a chain saw, and I am good to go. There is nothing like working hard outside to clear your head and open your heart for prayer and worship right in the midst of God’s beautiful Creation.”
God-fearing and hardworking with a fierce love for her family, Penny Allred has a heart for those that are hurting or have suffered loss. She has a desire to share the Word of God with those that need answers for life. If she could share a piece of advice with others, it would be: “Love Jesus with your life, and never let anyone or anything come between you and your relationship with Him. If you have Jesus first in your life, He will satisfy your heart in all things and never leave or forsake you ... what a promise!”
The Way KAREN GUILBERT sees her
It is such an honor to nominate Penny Allred for this year’s Tribute to Women! I have known Penny for around 30 years, and I consider her to be a very close and dear friend. I first came to know Penny and her husband, Bud, when we attended church together. Penny sang in the adult choir (always with a big beautiful smile), and she and Bud worked alongside my husband, Chuck, and myself with the youth at our church. Our families have shared many awesome moments together whether in a musical production at the church or working with youth in choir or attending a youth camp. I still draw from those memories and reflect on how great it has been to work side by side with such an awesome and caring woman.
When I think of Penny, I automatically think of “encourager.” If ever I am in need of wise counsel, Penny is the first person I think of. She is my personal prayer warrior, and she has given me such great advice while I was raising my children through their teenage years. Her smile is contagious, and I always leave her presence knowing I am deeply loved.
Penny loves her family and loves being with her children and her grandchildren. She is just an amazing woman who is totally selfless and always ready to step in and help with any need I or anyone may have. She is precious to me, and I am truly blessed to have her as such a wonderful friend.
What is something unique about you that most people would not know?
“I used to compete in barrel racing events with my horse.”
If you could have dinner with one person, famous or not, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?
“My Mom.”
If you could travel to space, and it was free, would you go?
“I have no real desire to travel to space but I do love looking up at the stars with the ground under my feet!”
What music do you listen to in your vehicle?
“Christian ... some of my sweetest times of worship go on in my car while driving 20 minutes to work every day.”
What did you imagine yourself being when you were growing up? “I wanted to be a horse trainer! I was a little girl with big dreams!”
What is the last gift you gave someone?
“I gave a monetary gift to our youth pastor that was called to his first full-time Senior Pastor position ...Lord bless them!”
What is your favorite meal that you order regularly at a local establishment?
“I like chalupas at TaMolly’s.”