Mindy Preston


Mindy Preston

Four States Living Tribute To Women



Kind and considerate, Mindy Preston’s goal in life is to encourage others.  She is able to carry out this personal mission while working at Texarkana College and while managing her decorating side hustle.  As the Executive Director of Board and Presidential Activities and Events at Texarkana College, Mindy supports others while working as a team to build a culture of student success.  As a decorator, Mindy celebrates others by assisting in the coordination, decoration, and preparation of their special events.

Mindy is known as “Rocky” to her grandsons, Turner and Jones.

Mindy is known as “Rocky” to her grandsons, Turner and Jones.

With a smile on her face, Mindy Preston seamlessly carries out her roles as a wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, Sunday school teacher, and career woman.  “I am thankful that the Lord blessed me with wonderful people in my life,” she says.  

“My job typically involves working closely with TC President, Dr. Jason Smith, and the Texarkana College Board of Trustees,” Mindy says.  “I assist with the planning, preparation, and coordinating of campus and community events in which Texarkana College is involved.”  These events include but are not limited to: the annual Texarkana Chamber of Commerce Banquet, Twin City Title Christmas Party, Texarkana College Betty and Buddy Ledwell Building Dedication, Texarkana College’s Annual Christmas Party and Drive-Through Lights Display, and various other community events. 

Mindy and Kyle (a coach and Assistant Athletic Director at TISD) married in 1992 and have three sons: Logan Preston (28), who is married to Jenna, and they have two sons, Turner (4), and Jones Wilder (5 months); Lyle Preston (25); and Ladd Preston (21).  Hanging out with her grandsons makes Mindy happy.  “Whether going to the zoo, attending a sporting event, or just hanging out at the house, we always have a great time with them,” she admits.

Decorating for others allows Mindy to “zone out” and really tap into her gift and desire to celebrate others.  “People often ask what my ‘process’ is or how I decide how to decorate, but I don’t have a specific set of steps that I follow,” she describes.  “Each occasion, event, and person is special.”  She enjoys helping her friends and family decorate their homes for various holidays and special occasions.

Mindy’s parents, Nan and Mitchell Meyers, have been positive role models to her. An amazing Christian couple, they led by example with their hard work ethic, the way they treated people fair and kindly, and also their love for one another.  A hardworker, provider, father, and grandfather, Mindy’s husband, Kyle, has also influenced her in a variety of ways.  She explains, “Kyle has a strong heart and fights for whatever he believes in. He has always supported me in whatever I’ve done.”

Mindy believes that when people work in their passion, they find their purpose.  Her advice to others would be to surround yourself with good people, mentors, and strong leaders who create opportunities for people around them to become leaders themselves.  She concludes, “Every person is special, unique, and chosen.  No matter where you work or what position you are in, you can make a difference to everyone. Acknowledge the gifts and strengths of each person, and always allow them to grow. ”

“As you face whatever feels most menacing in your own life, take courage. You may feel small, but through the gifting and empowerment of the spirit, God can use you to do mighty things.”

- Monica La Rose, “Our Daily Bread”


The way Amanda Graham sees her

The first time I met Mindy, she welcomed me with open arms, igniting a friendship that would last for years. Praying consistently for friends and strangers alike, sharing kindness with anyone she meets, and focusing on the Lord above all else, Mindy is the epitome of Christian love and compassion. The genuine, southern sentiment in her heart comes across when she speaks. Whether through seemingly “simple” but well-planned gifts, words of support in the ups and downs, or a compliment on your hair or outfit of the day, she makes every person feel special, loved, and accepted. Constantly working to make life better for her family, friends, and coworkers, she certainly goes the extra mile to ensure everyone is cared for before herself. Living with great responsibility at home and work, she always provides a sense of warmth and hospitality to any event, gathering, or team. 

Mindy’s gift of decorating speaks for itself, shaping simple pieces of fabric, boxes, bins, and pictures into beautiful masterpieces, each as unique and alluring as the last. Sprinkling her Christmas magic and turning homes into festive wonderlands, she makes Hallmark movies come to life. Mindy is a living Pinterest board!  

Whether it is decorating or mentoring others, Mindy adds all the little touches that mean so much to others. For anyone who has ever met Mindy Preston, she has left a lasting impression on them! We are truly blessed to have Mindy at the heart of all things. 


What is something unique about you that most people would not know?

“I decorate for Christmas in October, and would earlier if my husband would let me.”

If you could have dinner with one person, famous or not, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?

“What a joy it would be to eat with my grandparents again. They were filled with wisdom, always happy, very hardworking, and incredible cooks. They gave me some very helpful guidance early in life. I so miss getting calls from them to come over and have lunch.”

What music do you listen to in your vehicle?

“Christian, Country, Soul, ’70s and ’80s – all blasting loud with the car windows down.”

What did you imagine yourself being when you were growing up?

“I wanted to be a truck driver – yes, I grew up in the ’70s, the ‘Smokey and the Bandit’ days.” 

What is the last gift you gave someone?

“I gave my grandson, Turner, lots of birthday presents.”

What is your favorite meal that you order regularly at a local establishment?

“Cheese enchiladas at all of the Mexican restaurants.”

If there was a movie produced about your life, which actress would portray you?

“Dolly Parton because she came from humble beginnings, and she is giving, joyous, and has never forgotten where she came from.”