Heather Richardson-Green
/Heather Richardson-Green
Four States Living Tribute To Women
A hairstylist, nail tech, and lash extension artist by trade, Heather Richardson-Green is most proud of the mother she has become and the young men that she has raised with manners, respect, and good hearts. Married to Adrian, the Greens have five “awesome kiddos,” Austin, Jordan, Desmond, Jay, and Jagger.
Heather’s hope is to show other women that they can have confidence, feel good about themselves, and be beautiful no matter the circumstances.
A people person who always has a smile on her face, Heather Richardson-Green loves building her clientele. She never meets a stranger and makes each and every person who walks into Tranquility Day Spa and Salon feel like she has known them forever. “I have the longest standing, most loyal, wise, loving, nurturing, amazing client family,” she describes. “Most all of them have followed me to the moon and back for over a decade. I love my ladies!”
Even though she is sometimes called “Hot Mess Heather,” everyone knows they can depend on Heather to get her job done ... and done well. When asked to describe herself, she jokes, “I am a fun, music-loving, God-fearing and -loving ‘Positive Patty,’ who is a loud know-it-all.” Those who know her personally would definitely agree with the first part of her description, but probably not the last part. She loves people and pours positive vibes into every person she is around, making her clients feel like a million bucks. She adds, “I just love people and what I do.”
Although her life as a mother to Austin, Jordan, Desmond, Jay and Jagger, and wife to Adrian takes up most of her time, Heather also tries to give back to the community by participating in back-to-school drives, often offering free haircuts and school supplies to students in need. Often during the holidays, Heather will feel God lay a family on her heart, so she rallies people together, and makes miracles happen for those in their time of need. She also donates her services during community events and nonprofit organizations’ fundraisers. She explains, “It is the daily blessings in the community that I try to focus on most. I like to build people up and try to help them in their darkest times so each day gets brighter for them.”
Heather’s best piece of advice to young women who are growing up in today’s times is to “take time to learn to love yourself and practice self-worth.” “This is the key to any healthy relationship ... whether with God, children, a man, family, or with yourself,” she admits. “Love God first, then yourself, then you can love everyone else. By doing this, you will earn and keep the love and respect you deserve. If people can’t love and respect you, then love yourself more and let them go. But whatever you do, practice self-care!”
Over the course of Heather’s life, there have been two people who have influenced her the most: God and her mother, Ellon Phillips. “Only God can be the explanation for my heart and testimony, and my heart for people,” Heather says. “My mom taught me kindness, manners, work ethic, and strength. But mostly, she showed me how to possess an unbiased heart and eyes.”
“I know for sure what we dwell on is who we become.”
-Oprah Winfrey
The way Sarah Mascoe sees her
Heather and I met and briefly worked together in 2010 before moving to another salon. Fast forward to 2015 when she came and joined us at Tranquility Day Spa and Salon. From that time, we clicked and quickly became the best of friends … really sisters.
Heather is one of the most selfless, caring, compassionate, and beautiful (inside and out) women that I have ever met. She is always there to lend an ear, give advice, tell a good story, make you laugh, or give you the shirt off her back if you need it. She is an intuitive, old soul that has wisdom like she has lived this life before. She truly is one of the best people I have ever had the privilege of working and being friends with. She shines so bright despite many setbacks in her life that should have destroyed her. I think those truly made her stronger and a better woman and mother than she was already. It’s not hard to look up to her. Even her “seasoned” clients love and adore her. I think it’s like therapy when they come see her, hear her stories, and tell theirs, too.
I am blessed to call Heather my friend. God knew exactly what He was doing when He crossed our paths together again. Through all the laughter and tears that we have shared, she has always been the first one to hype me up. Her confidence is contagious. I guess I could sum it up and say, “She’s aight.”
What is something unique about you that most people would not know?
“I stopped eating bologna and hot dogs at the age of 12. My grandfather was a butcher for T-Thumb. He took me to work with him on weekends where he would process meats and package them. And, well, I haven’t eaten it since.”
If you could have dinner with one person, famous or not, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?
“My Gran in heaven, but my mom would have to come with me. She was her best friend and misses her so very much. We all do.”
What music do you listen to in your vehicle?
“Music feeds the soul so I listen to hype music in the morning ... and usually loud. I also love some good praise music.”
What did you imagine yourself being when you were growing up?
“A nurse or psychiatrist. Some days in my career, I think I’m a close fit for it!”
What is the last gift you gave someone?
“I gave my mother-in-love a key chain that said, ‘Thank you for raising the man of my dreams.’ My husband really is my backbone and is so good to me and our family ... nothing but God.”
What is your favorite meal that you order regularly at a local establishment?
“If I want to indulge, I order Mother Kelly’s chicken fried chicken with mashed potatoes, cabbage, hot water cornbread, and white gravy. I’m on a lifestyle change now, so I love Flying Burger’s grilled salmon and grilled squash and zucchini with a side salad.”
If there was a movie produced about your life, which actress would portray you?
“Hands down ... Melissa McCarthy. I cut up pretty well when I get going. My friends always say that they can’t take me anywhere (but they take me everywhere)!”