Shawn Vaughn | Communication is Key
Keeping the community informed and safe is the duty of every public information officer. A great communicator, Shawn Vaughn has worked in this capacity for the Texarkana Texas Police Department, since 2013. Whether gathering facts for the media or addressing the public, Shawn takes pride in his career and handles it all with a smile on his face.
photo by: DR. ROBIN ROGERS
Why did you decide to be the public information officer for the Texarkana Texas Police Department?
I came to work with the Texarkana Texas Police Department after I retired from the Arkansas side police department in 2013. I was a police officer over there for 26 years and was fortunate to have had a wide range of jobs assignments while there. However, I discovered that my most fulfilling position was when I served as the PIO, so I jumped at the chance to do it on the Texas side when given the opportunity by former Police Chief Dan Shiner. I absolutely love my job and take great pride in keeping the community informed of what’s going on and what they can do to best protect themselves and their families. Between the two agencies, I’ve been doing this for about 15 years.
Name one thing about your profession that people might not know.
I’ve seen a lot of changes over the last 34 years in the way that our City communicates with our community. Social media has transformed what used to be largely a one-way street into a multi-lane highway with information flowing constantly in both directions. I think it’s a huge game changer for us as a city and believe that the possibilities are wide open for us to use this enhanced communication to work together to make Texarkana an even better place to live, work, and raise a family.
Who has helped you become the person you are today, and how did they inspire you?
Growing up, my grandfather was a huge influence in my life. He taught me the value of hard work and helped me realize that I can do anything if I am willing to invest the time and effort into making it happen.
Tell us one thing you can’t do without on Thanksgiving Day (a tradition, a food, a favorite game, etc.) and explain why?
I don’t have any specific traditions on Thanksgiving Day but do enjoy taking the time to think about those things in my life for which I am thankful – and there are many.
What do you love most about the Four States area?
I love the sense of community here. Texarkana is big enough that we have access to most of what we need or want here but still small enough that you know the people that live here. It’s almost impossible for me to go anywhere in Texarkana without running into someone that I know.
What lessons have you learned from the pandemic?
I certainly have a new sense of appreciation for many of the simple things that I took for granted before – going to the store without worrying about wearing a mask, being able to sit down in a restaurant for a meal, being able to travel, or even shaking someone’s hand.
How would you like for others to remember you?
I would like to be remembered as a person of integrity who made a difference within my small corner of the world.