Tara Droske

age: 34 | Kindergarten Teacher | Texarkana Independent School District – Morriss Elementary

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Texarkana Independent School District’s Elementary Region 8 Teacher of the Year Tara Droske loves being a kindergarten teacher at Morriss Elementary.  “I truly believe that I am doing what the Lord has called me to do,” she says.  “I absolutely love instilling the love of learning into each and every child that enters my classroom.”

Completing her master’s degree, receiving National STEM certification, and being named the Elementary Region 8 Teacher of the Year are three of Tara’s greatest professional accomplishments.  She believes that a strong teacher is constantly learning, changing, growing, collaborating, engaging their students, building relationships, and growing leaders.  She considers herself a lifelong learner and is always willing to share her knowledge and experience with others.

Marrying her best friend and high school sweetheart, David, and having two children, Claire (7) and William (2), are Tara’s greatest personal achievements.  For fun, she enjoys spending time with her family, exercising, being outdoors, and shopping.

Tara serves on the Williams Memorial United Methodist Church school board, participates in local charity runs, mentors new TISD teachers, serves as a cooperating teacher through Texas A&M University-Texarkana, volunteers at many local events including Run The Line and Vacation Bible School, and serves on a number of committees within TISD.  Where does she see herself in 10 years?  “I  definitely see myself in the educational field,” she answers.   “I have a long-term goal of working in a role in which I can help teach and prepare new teachers.”

Best piece of advice:

“Hard work and respect toward others will get you far.” – Bernhard Stockmann, Tara’s father

Name something about you that very few people know:

“Anyone that knows me knows that I am an open book, but one fun fact about me that some people may not know is that I have completed several marathons and even ran a 50k Ultra Marathon!”