Terri Lynn


Terri Lynn

Four States Living Tribute To Women



A district manager for Cherry Hill Programs, Terri Lynn oversees hiring and training for malls in Louisiana and Mississippi working in seasonal photography promotions. She is also a food broker for Prep Cakes, a business that specializes in sugar-free meal replacement sweet treats. She was previously the studio coordinator for Barbell Butterfly in Shreveport, where she also served as a weight training instructor for clients there and in Texarkana. She was recently hired by The Sportsplex to teach group fitness classes and is pursuing a Personal Training certification so she can work as a trainer there.

After losing 207 pounds, Terri participated in her first 5K, the Mud Run, last September. She overcame many emotions that day and worked through many obstacles that tested her both physically and mentally. She finished the race after climbing, crawl…

After losing 207 pounds, Terri participated in her first 5K, the Mud Run, last September. She overcame many emotions that day and worked through many obstacles that tested her both physically and mentally. She finished the race after climbing, crawling, swimming, slipping, and sliding through the many muddy obstacles.

Helping others is Terry Lynn’s passion in life. Her recent weight loss of over 200 pounds has completely changed her life, allowing her the opportunity to help and encourage countless others to get healthy and change their lives, as well.

Describing herself as “sunshine mixed with a little hurricane,” Terri enjoys being outdoors, especially around water, and finding a back road, rolling down the windows, and singing away. In her spare time, she enjoys meeting and mentoring young ladies through the Girl Scouts Diamonds Council. “Watching them grow into beautiful, successful leaders in this world is truly rewarding,” Terri says. She has served as a troop leader, service unit director, product sales manager, and treasurer for Bluebonnet service unit. She has also volunteered countless hours with Texarkana

Soccer Association where she has served as a coach and certified referee. She has recently received certification to teach Thunder classes at The Sportsplex, a feat that she calls her proudest professional accomplishment. “Knowing this was a door opened for me and walking through that door believing I could actually do it, was a huge milestone for me,” she admits. “It opened the door for me to be able to meet and teach so many people, which is my heart’s desire.”

If Terri had to credit one person with influencing her the most over the course of her life, she would choose her Nannie. “She was the strongest, most giving and spiritual woman I’ve ever known. Most everything I know about what being a woman means, I learned from her. She taught me to cook, sew, work hard, pray and go to church, serve others, and always know the value of things – not the price. I truly would not be who I am today had it not been for her relentless spirit and determination to never give up on me.”


The Way Lynn Cofield sees her

I am super excited to be nominating Terri Lynn! She is so very passionate about empowering women all around her! Terri Lynn is the most giving person I know. She gives of herself, her time, and her passions with all of her heart! She is real and so very inspiring to anyone that comes into contact with her.

Not to mention, this incredible lady lost over 200 pounds over the past two years. That has sparked a fire inside of her for living life to the absolute fullest which is infectious to anyone in her space.


What is something unique about you that most people would not know?
“I am painfully shy and self-conscious to the point of severe anxiety and panic attacks. I’ve learned to talk to people and in front of people and am getting better but it is something I battle constantly. Most people, especially those who have met me in the last couple of years, would be shocked to know that, but it’s true.”

If you could have dinner with one person, famous or not, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?
“I can think of a handful of people I would love to have dinner with one more time. But honestly, my favorite person to have dinner with is my Daddy. Those long talks I dreaded as a child are now welcomed with eager ears. He has a very unique outlook on life and knows so much about a lot of stuff. I’m always grateful to get to sit down with him and have dinner and talk. I’ve always been a Daddy’s girl.”

If you could travel to space, and it was free, would you go?
“In a minute! You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

What music do you listen to in your vehicle?

“My playlist is from one extreme to another. I listen to everything from heavy metal to country to rap to hip-hop to Christian and more. Music is my oxygen.”

What did you imagine yourself being when you were growing up?
“Growing up, I always wanted to be a singer. I pretty much ate, slept, and breathed music 24/7. I practiced hours and hours. I even went to college on a full ride vocal scholarship. Then life and reality hit, and well, that was that.”

What is the last gift you gave someone?

“Recently I gifted several of these little sea turtles that have a shiny stone with an inspirational quote under them. Turtles are kind of a symbol to keep going for me. They seem to say progress is progress, no matter how fast or slow it happens. Everyone seems to love the turtles.

What is your favorite meal that you order regularly at a local establishment?
“I don’t eat out in Texarkana too often, but probably my three favorite cheat meals in town are chips and salsa at On The Border, pizza at Larry’s, and Chinese buffet at The One.”

If there was a movie produced about your life, which actress would portray you?
“My favorite actress is Sandra Bullock so maybe I would want her to portray me. She’s pretty well- rounded and probably one of the few who could handle all my personalities.”