Tyler Raney, RN

age: 30 | Registered Nurse | CHRISTUS St. Michael Health System

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A registered nurse at CHRISTUS St. Michael Health System, Tyler Raney feels like his calling in this life is to help those in need who cannot help themselves. He believes that he has been given the ability to help people when they are in the darkest time of their lives. “If I can provide even an ounce of hope, for even one person, I have done what is expected of me,” he explains. “I love what I do because at the end of the day, if I am able to make somebody better, happy, or whatever the case may be, then I can go home happy as well.”

Tyler’s greatest professional accomplishment to-date is being promoted to part-time supervisor within six months of his nursing career.  “It was an unexpected development in my career, and I will forever be grateful for that opportunity,” he says.  “I plan on using that experience to assist in my career advancement and to help me reach my personal goals.”

Making it through nursing school after he had already obtained a bachelor’s degree in another field from Texas A&M University was Tyler’s greatest personal achievement. He felt as though he was not using his full potential as a person in his prior field of work and admits that having to start over took dedication.

Playing golf and “a little cornhole” occasionally, hunting and fishing with his father, and taking his dog, Milo, to Bringle Lake are some of the things Tyler enjoys doing for fun.  

Tyler feels that as a nurse, he gives back to the community every day he is at work.  “The vast majority of the people I interact with on a daily basis are from Texarkana, and I do my very best to assist them in any way they need me to.  I am also very active in community events and openings.  I do my best to support local businesses every time I have the opportunity to and help advertise events and new businesses opening whenever I get the chance to,” he explains.  “I also umpire Little League baseball games on occasion.”

In the future, Tyler sees himself advancing in his career, possibly becoming a Nurse Practitioner or working his way into a management role, and having a family of his own.  He concludes, “The main goal for me is to better myself each and every day and do what I can to better those around me as well.”

Best piece of advice:

“You just gotta live life, man.” – the late Tyler Johnson, Tyler’s close college friend

Name something about you that very few people know:

“I am an only child and an only grandchild on one side of the family.”