Lone Star Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution Presents Scholarships

The Lone Star Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution recently presented the DAR Good Citizens Essay Contest award and scholarships for Outstanding Leadership in the Lone Star Children of the American Revolution group.  

Nistha Neupane, a senior at Pleasant Grove High School, won the DAR Good Citizens Essay Contest and was awarded a $500 scholarship.  The winner of the award must be a high school senior, exhibit dependability, leadership, service to community, and patriotism.  Nistha’s essay was entitled, “How Do the Combined Actions of So Many Good Citizens Keep Our Nation Moving Forward?”  

Sara Jayne Burroughs and Madison Tomlin received scholarships for Outstanding Leadership in the Lone Star Children of the American Revolution.  This award is presented to members of the Children of the American Revolution that exhibit leadership qualities, possess qualities of good citizens, and serve the commuity.  Sara Jayne is a senior at Pleasant Grove High  School, and Madison is a senior at Atlanta High School.  They each received a $500 scholarship award.