Habitat for Humanity of Texarkana Home Dedication

On August 21, Habitat for Humanity Texarkana held a Home Dedication for its newest home at 3001 Norris Cooley.  The work started on the home in November with 10-25 volunteers to a group. The rainy weather added delays, and as the builders entered the interior of the project, the city went into lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The number of volunteers was limited to 2 or 3 so final touches had to be hired out to trade professionals. Several long-time volunteers, practicing physical distancing and wearing masks, completed the interior, and the homebuyer contributed her sweat equity hours. Since the usual new house walk-through and dedication ceremony was not held due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this home dedication was held for those involved with the project, as well as family and friends.  A tour of the home was available for those desiring a walk-through.