Andrew Rankin

age: 37 | 5th and 6th Grade Science Teacher | Red Lick Independent School District

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Andrew Rankin believes education is a fundamental part of society and that it is the responsibility of public education to create productive members of society.  He has taught business education courses, held roles as a campus principal at two schools, and currently is blessed to teach science at one of the best school districts in the State of Texas while being closer to home and his family.  “I do what I do because I am convinced that education, as any other occupation, is a God given talent,” he remarks.  “I am happy to serve in any area needed to help create well-rounded students who can make a positive difference in society.”

Since he has had many opportunities to work with new and aspiring teachers and mentor them to grow into successful educators, Andrew finds a great deal of satisfaction and success when he sees people he has worked with excel beyond what they thought possible. He adds, “Seeing others succeed is a personal accomplishment to me.”

While principal for Bloomburg Junior High and High School, Andrew and his team of teachers were able to raise their students’ performance and raised their test scores from a 65 to an 80 during the 2018-2019 school year.    He continues, “I witnessed what the teachers at Bloomburg were capable of, and I am proud to say I was their principal.”

Andrew and his wife, Katren, have two sons, Eli (8) and Nate (6).  He coaches soccer for two teams for Texarkana Soccer Association where he also serves as commissioner when needed.   A board member for Workforce Solutions of North East Texas, he also serves as financial director and teacher at Spring Lake Baptist Church and is a security supervisor for Rhea Lana’s of Texarkana.  In his spare time, he enjoys playing golf, collecting sports memorabilia, shooting guns at Texarkana Gun Barn and Range, and shooting landscape and nature photography.  

Best piece of advice:

“Maintain integrity, have a clear vision, learn to listen to others, and build relationships with those who challenge you to be better because life can be tough. If you stumble, be ready to get up, assess what happened, and move on.” – Dr. Kathy Allen, retired superintendent

Name something about you that very few people know:

“I am color blind and can only see very faint blue and yellow in rainbows. Revelation 4:3 speaks of God’s throne surrounded by a rainbow. Heaven will be the first place I will get to experience the beauty of something most take for granted.”