Annie Rateliff

age: 34 | Esthetician/Owner | Annie Rateliff Skincare


“I’m an esthetician. I like to think I show people how beautiful they are,” says Annie Rateliff, owner of Annie Rateliff Skincare.  “We live in a world of Photoshop so I do my best to normalize natural beauty!”

Although she says it might sound cliché, Annie admits that her family is her most valuable asset.  “Zach and I started dating our senior year at Texas High School. He asked for my number, and I told him not to call me. The rest is history.  We had to grow up together and fight for our relationship during those selfish years of our life,” she admits.  “This month, we have been together 17 years and married for 11 years. While it’s like arguing with a small version of myself,  our wild and precious daughter, Nori Gayle, is our greatest accomplishment.”

Annie absolutely loves her chosen career path and knows that she is where she is meant to be.  She went out on a leap of faith to start her business in 2014, praying that she was making the right decision.  She recalls, “I opened my business with zero clients.  My schedule is now consistently booked 4-6 weeks in advance with a waiting list. We were able to purchase a building this year for my business, and we just continue to grow!”

Although the skincare business can be challenging, Annie enjoys helping those who aspire to be estheticians.  She is always willing to answer any questions those who are just starting in the business may have, and she doesn’t mind letting others shadow her.  “I didn’t have that helping hand when I started my business, and I promised myself I would always help if asked,” she says.  “There is plenty [of business] to go around, so we can all be successful!”

Best piece of advice:

“It’s better to ask forgiveness than permission.” — Sherry Harris, Annie’s mother

Name something about you that very few people know:

“I am not sure how fun it is for my husband, but I sleep walk, sing, laugh, and whistle. It is never a dull moment, even when we sleep!”