Emily Sarine

age: 39 | Administrative Assistant to the Associate Pastor, Larry Sims | First Baptist Church Texarkana

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At First Baptist Church Texarkana,  Emily Sarine takes care of the behind-the-scenes details of the Senior Adult Ministry and any senior adult trip that may be scheduled. She also manages and edits the church’s newsletter, Generations, along with graphic artist, Micah Dorsey, and the pastor’s assistant, Carol Ann Mattingly.  She explains, “We are really a team at FBC, so whenever anyone needs help with anything, we all jump right in.  I love working here.”

Emily and her husband, Ross, grew up together and were great friends throughout high school.  “I married the love of my life!” she says.  Ross was her escort on the Homecoming court but they never really dated until college.  “We also have the most wonderful son, Jack, who is growing into a really amazing person.  Ross and I think that he inherited our recessive kindness genes because he is much sweeter and gentler than we are! God has truly blessed me with these two and with provision for my health and theirs.”

A member of the FBC choir and active in the Pleasant Grove PTO, Emily also likes to volunteer during activities in which Jack is involved.  Since Ross is a member of the Pleasant Grove ISD School Board, Emily constantly prays for the board, administration, teachers, staff and students of PGISD.  “I was a member of the committee who successfully campaigned for the construction of the new elementary campus for Pleasant Grove, Margaret Fischer Davis Pleasant Grove Elementary School,” she says.

In 10 years, Emily hopes to be enjoying more time with Ross and visiting Jack wherever he may be after college graduation.  She concludes, “I want to continue to be active and supportive of our wonderful city and serving wherever the Lord calls me to next.”

Best piece of advice:

“Never be part of the problem. Always be part of the solution.” — Larry Sims, Emily’s boss and dear friend

Name something about you that very few people know:

“I am a Type 1 diabetic and have been for 37 years. Most people would never guess I have a chronic illness upon meeting me. The Lord has truly blessed me with health and the ministry of hope for people of all ages who are diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. While it is a tough illness, it has not stopped me from accomplishing any of my goals in the least. It’s just a different normal than most.”