Brittany Rogers

age: 33 | Program Director and PATH Intl. Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor | Runnin’ WJ Ranch


Everyday miracles are the best part of Brittany Rogers’ job as a certified riding instructor and program director of Runnin’ WJ Ranch.  Whether witnessing small or large miracles, Brittany admits that every single one equals progress.  “For example, the horse taking five steps, and my student not crying for those five steps can be a miracle,”  she describes.  “My student telling their horse to ‘walk on’ when they couldn’t say it two weeks earlier is a huge accomplishment.  The joy and love I see on their faces is amazing!”

Passing the challenging instructor’s test is Brittany’s greatest personal accomplishment.  The process to obtain this certification consists of two written tests, a riding test, a teaching test, and a three-day workshop.  “The kid side of the job was the easiest part for me because I love them so much,” she acknowledges.  “The tough part was learning about horses from head-to-toe.”

Adventuring with her boys is Brittany’s favorite reprieve from the everyday grind.  Married to Jason, the Rogers’ have two sons, Jaxon (7) and Jase (4).  As a family, they enjoy fishing, hunting, and just being outside enjoying God’s creation. 

Brittany serves on the board of the Texarkana Down Syndrome Society, a group who is near and dear to her heart.  Additionally, she helps coordinate Night to Shine Texarkana, an unforgettable prom night experience for people with special needs, sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation.  

When she was 14 years old, Brittany worked her way up from volunteer to barn worker at Runnin’ WJ.  When Sam Clem took over the reins at the ranch, he approached Brittany about becoming an instructor.  After lots of prayer and consideration, Brittany finished school and began teaching in the arena.  Currently, she handles paperwork and scheduling for the students and also keeps up with all of the standards that govern the ranch and keep everyone safe.  In addition, she teaches several classes a week and hopes to one day become the director of Runnin’ WJ Ranch, where miracles occur on a daily basis.

Best piece of advice:

“Dance like no one is watching. Love like it will never hurt. Sing as if no one is listening. Live like heaven is on earth.” – Author Unknown

Name something about you that very few people know:

“I laugh uncontrollably when I am really scared!”