La Verne Johnson Baptiste
/La Verne Johnson Baptiste
Four States Living Tribute To Women
Generous in spirit, La Verne Johnson Baptiste provides selfless service to those who need it most. Blessing others just comes naturally for this retired educator and soon-to-be-published children’s book author. Texarkana is fortunate to have this generous lady as one of its citizens who helps make this town a great place to live and work.
La Verne attended a birthday party for a classmate at Entertainment Central in 2016.
Always one to help out when needed, La Verne Johnson Baptiste believes that she is “one of God’s gifts to the world” because she strives to be available to help others in their time of need. The epitome of a true “giver,” La Verne serves as a valuable influencer who exudes kindness, compassion, and grace.
Teaching Vacation Bible School and donating to charities are two of the ways La Verne enjoys spending her time helping others. However, she also appreciates a little bit of “me time” periodically, and can often be found reading, working puzzles, traveling the world, raising money for her university, Prairie View A&M University, or her church, Hopewell Temple CME Church. And it is no surprise that she tutors young adults about life, career choices, and finances and frequently checks in on local senior citizens, leaving essential items or just little fun surprises at their doors for them to enjoy.
The first person in her family to graduate from college with a degree, La Verne obtained a Bachelor of Arts in English and Spanish from Prairie View A&M. Attaining this personal goal is one in which she is very proud.
While working as an educator, La Verne helped touch the future by teaching many forthcoming leaders. If she was asked to share advice with youngsters today, she would tell them that the world is very diverse, structured in technology and fast-paced, so they should advance their talents to the best of their abilities.
La Verne acknowledges that many people have influenced her during the course of her life, including her mother and her teachers. “My teachers were great influences in my life, encouraging me to stay the course and get a college degree. My late mother, Mrs. Emma Richardson Johnson, taught her children well. She encouraged us to respect family, adults, rules of the home, and society,” she says. “She sent us to church every Sunday and demanded that we attend school every day. We were taught to be responsible, to grow up and get a job, and to be productive citizens in our society.”
"A mind is a terrible thing to waste."
- Arthur Fletcher, leader of the United Negro College Fund (UNCF)
The Way Dr. Ruth Blackwell Sees Her
We make our lives by what we get. We make our lives by what we give. La Verne Johnson Baptiste makes her life by what she gives as a selfless woman.
Our connection began when we were neighbors. My daughter, Shirley, and La Verne were classmates at Sunset Elementary School in the 5th grade.
As a Texarkana entrepreneur and active member of the community, La Verne utilizes her time through volunteer services, one of which is mentoring young people in writing and public speaking. Along with investing in real estate, she also donates generously to college scholarship funds through her church, Hopewell Temple CME Church. Whether holidays, birthdays, or times of hardship, La Verne makes it a point to provide for the elderly. Thanks to her efforts, I and other seniors were sought after during the pandemic.
La Verne is a wonderful contributor to the community in which she lives, and I watched her grow into the lady she has become today. It is a blessing to have her lifelong friendship. I am honored to submit La Verne Johnson Baptiste as a Tribute to Women honoree.
What is something unique about you that most people would not know?
“I rode a camel in northern Africa – Tangier, Morocco.”
If you could have dinner with one person, famous or not, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?
“I would have dinner with Barbara Jordan, U.S. Ambassador to the UN, politician, lawyer, and native Houston Texan.”
What music do you listen to in your vehicle?
“I enjoy listening to KTOY.”
What did you imagine yourself being when you were growing up?
“A doctor, nurse, lawyer, politician, or Spanish interpreter.”
What is the last gift you gave someone?
“A down payment on a car.”
What is your favorite meal that you order regularly at a local establishment?
“Any seafood entrée.”
If there was a movie produced about your life, which actress would portray you?
“I would choose Oprah Winfrey to portray me.”