Bobbie McKinney
/Bobbie McKinney
Four States Living Tribute To Women
Retired teacher and diagnostician Bobbie McKinney has dedicated many years to the field of education. She worked for Texarkana Independent School District as a teacher of the learning disabled for 13 years and as a professional educational diagnostician for 24 years. She also taught school for two years in the Killeen Independent School District.
Will and Bobbie while on a Hawaiian cruise in 2015.
Trustworthy, loyal, and meticulous are words often used to describe Bobbie McKinney. She is a true blessing to her family and friends, always there to lend a hand anytime she is needed. Her enthusiastic demeanor is evident in all that she does, and her extracurricular activities are numerous. Bobbie is a member of the Texas Retired Teachers Association District 8 and the Texas Registry Board of Professional Educational Diagnosticians. She serves as a life member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, and life member of Piney Grove Baptist Church where she serves as youth director, Bible teacher, music ministry member, finance secretary, and member of the outreach missions team.
Professionally, Bobbie has spent many hours honing her craft after obtaining a solid education. She received a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and Special Education (all levels) from Texas Woman’s University and a Master of Education in Educational Diagnostician with a specialty in Learning Disabilities from Texas A&M University-Texarkana. Passing the Texas Registry Board Professional Educational Diagnostician exam is perhaps her greatest professional accomplishment to date.
Spending time with family is important to Bobbie. She is married to Will, a retired electronic integrated systems mechanic from Red River Army Depot, and she has two stepdaughters, Tomiko McKinney and Tonjuana McKinney. Not one to give up on her dreams, no matter how large or small, learning to play the piano at the age of 55 is a personal accomplishment that Bobbie holds near and dear to her heart. In her spare time, she enjoys attending Bible study and Bible Study Fellowship (BSF), singing, learning to play new songs, baking new and different desserts, and watching Hallmark movies.
Over the course of her life, Bobbie’s relationship with Jesus Christ has kept her grounded. She acknowledges that three role models have positively served as mentors to her throughout her life: her mother, Margie Banks; her junior class Sunday School teacher, Genetta Banks; and her high school Algebra I and II, trigonometry and chemistry teacher, Robert Mathis.
As a teacher, Bobbie has often shared inspiring pieces of advice with her students. “I encouraged them to always be accountable and take responsibility for their choices.” Today, if she had to share one piece of advice with young women, she would say, “Seek your identity in Christ, and His spirit will guide you in all of your relationships and endeavors.”Most certainly, Wendy’s mother, Aggie Butler, has been her biggest influencer. “She always roots for the underdog, thinks everyone is hungry, and does everything in her power to make the world a fair place,” Wendy acknowledges. “She is the hardest working and most humble woman I know. Even when I was a kid and would have friends come over, she felt like feeding them was the first thing on the agenda. Today, she still sends everyone home with a doggie bag.”
When she isn’t at work or at home with her family, Wendy can often be found serving others in the community. She is a member of the Kiwanis Club of Texarkana, Twin Cities Toastmasters, Junior League of Texarkana, Texarkana Chamber Ambassadors, Dancers Against Cancer, Junior Achievement, Tri-State SHRM, and HandsOn Texarkana. She also encourages young women who are struggling with day-to-day stresses. “Being forgiving and being a doormat are two totally different things,” she advises. “Forgive as often as you can but don’t forgive the same person for doing the same thing multiple times. Draw a line for yourself, and then stand up to it.”
“Excuses only satisfy those who make them.”
- Reverend Isaac Goolsby, Bobbie’s 8th grade science teacher
The way Shirley Bradford sees her
I met Bobbie McKinney over 25 years ago at church. She’s a very energetic, loving, caring person that is very friendly and extremely organized. She has a heart for God, family, and children. Active in her community and church, she loves ministering to children. She even bought a larger vehicle to pick up children for church so they would have a spiritual foundation even though she had no children of her own. That carried on to her occupation where she was an educator for over 30 years.
Bobbie impacted my life as a very good friend and encourager with lots of laughter. We’ve shared so many things over the years ... church, Gospel workshops, singing, piano lessons, and Bible Study Fellowship. She is a very good friend to me in spiritual matters and everyday life. I’m thankful to call her a friend because she is a joy to be around and shares her joys (as well as her struggles) openly.
Bobbie is a committed family person and helps in any possible way caring for her disabled husband. I’m honored to nominate Bobbie for Tribute to Women 2021.
What is something unique about you that most people would not know?
“I wanted to be an Air Force pilot.”
If you could have dinner with one person, famous or not, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?
“Michelle Obama.”
What music do you listen to in your vehicle?
“I listen to Gospel music.”
What did you imagine yourself being when you were growing up?
“I always imagined that I would be a math teacher and pilot.”
What is the last gift you gave someone?
“I recently purchased furniture for the foyer and pastor’s study at my church.”
What is your favorite meal that you order regularly at a local establishment?
“I enjoy eating fried catfish filets, shrimp, and a loaded baked potato.”
If there was a movie produced about your life, which actress would portray you?
“Viola Davis.”