Braden Herman | One of the Few, The Proud


Honor, courage, and commitment are the values that every member of the United States Marine Corps pledges to uphold.  As a veteran of the Marine Corps, Braden Herman made this lifelong commitment to instill these principles in his everyday life.  FSLM thanks him for listening to his calling when he was a senior in high school and dedicating four years of his life to fighting for our freedoms.


Why did you decide join the military?  

When I was 18 and fresh out of high school, I didn’t know what I wanted to do. That led me to join the military and start over with a new beginning. The military helped me learn discipline, accountability, and numerous other traits I will now possess forever. I served four years total in the United States Marine Corps and obtained the rank of Sergeant (E5).

Name one thing about your profession that people might not know. 

 Most people who are not familiar with the military don’t realize how many different jobs and roles there are in the military. My job for the first three years was being a radio operator. The important part about this job is making sure you have proper communication with whoever is on the other side of the radio. In my last year of service, I served as the Battalion Legal Chief where I was in charge of processing paperwork for Marines who were getting processed out of the military.

Who has helped you become the person you are today, and how did they inspire you?

My mother, Diana Herman, helped me to become the person I am today. Even though she passed away when I was 17 years old, everything she did is still with me. Seeing how hard she worked at her job, taking care of me, and being the “do it all parent” showed me what it took to be successful in life. She not only showed me how to be successful in a profession, but also how to be there for your children and raise them the right way. 

Tell us one thing you can’t do without on Thanksgiving Day and explain why.

The food I look forward to the most on Thanksgiving Day is dressing, or as some people like to call it, stuffing. I also prefer ham over turkey, but that’s just my preference. Seeing as I am a major sports fan, football being on all day is awesome for me as well. 

What do you love most about the Four States area?

One thing about the Four States area that I enjoy is how unique it is. While you are on the border of many different states, you also get to experience the different types of cultures from those states. 

What lessons have you learned from the pandemic?

During the pandemic, I was able to spend the majority of time with my son. This was a blessing for me because he was my first child, and I was able to appreciate each stage that he went through. I was also able to spend more time with my wife, Victoria, than I have in past years due to being in the military. I learned from the pandemic that when society is shut down or limited, all that really matters is the people you have around you. 

How would you like for others to remember you?

I want people to remember me as the type of person that could always be relied on. I have always enjoyed meeting new people and getting to know them and their interests.