Joseph Tucker | Deliveries Soar but Joseph’s Still Smiling


A 25-year veteran driver for UPS, single dad Joseph Tucker always has a kind word and a smile when delivering packages from his truck. Since the pandemic began, an exponential rise has occurred in online ordering, and drivers have been tasked with providing essential service in unseen times. Rain or shine, Joseph has been working nonstop, and we are thankful for his attitude and hard work during this time.

photo by: DR. ROBIN ROGERS

Why did you decide to be a UPS driver?

I went to work at UPS at 19, and I loaded trucks for nine years. I became a driver as soon as a spot opened up. For only having a high school degree and a year of college, I truly am humbled and blessed to have my job. 

Name one thing about your profession that people might not know.

One thing about my job that people don’t know is we have a new system called turn by turn.  It tells you how to run your route.  When I started driving, I had to learn Texarkana the old-fashioned way: buried in a map.

Who has helped you become the person you are today, and how did they inspire you?

My two sons. The moment they both took breath, my life changed. Becoming  a dad has been the most rewarding thing in my life. God entrusted me to raise them. Both of their births are really something to me. I was battling cancer when Braden was born, and then doctors told me I would never have children again. Four years later, Caleb came into the world. Every day is a gift. They inspire me  every day because each day is a gift from above. 

Tell us one thing you can’t do without on Thanksgiving Day and explain why.

Hands down, the gravy and the dressing is my favorite part because I only get it once a year. I so look forward to Thanksgiving. I believe Thanksgiving gets a bad rap because everyone goes straight to Christmas after Halloween. I just love the entire day ... the food, the whole atmosphere, then we get to watch the Cowboys.

What do you love most about the Four States area?

The thing I love most about the Four States is that it is home to me.  When I’m coming home from a trip, it is always nice to see that road marker that tells me how far I am from home. 

What lessons have you learned from the pandemic?

When the pandemic started, to be honest, I was scared. Overnight, our normalcy stopped. Everyone was on lock down the first few weeks. There was a shop that I passed on a daily basis, and in the window, there were signs saying, “You got this, don’t give up.”  That really meant the world to me seeing those two signs. We all got this!

How would you like for others to remember you?

I want to be remembered as one who never quits, and one who always puts others first.  My life is a blessing more than people will ever know. Living in this crazy time because of the pandemic, I’m humbled and thankful to say the least to be able to get up every day and do what I do. God has truly blessed me beyond measure.