Carmen Engledowl


Carmen Engledowl

Four States Living Tribute To Women



Passionate, resilient, and caring are words used to describe Carmen Engledowl.  A director at the Sportsplex by HealthCARE Express, Carmen is also a Staff Sergeant (E6) in the U.S. Army Reserves.  Married to Paul, they have a 9-year-old son, Tristan, and a 5-year-old daughter, Caliapy.

Carmen admits that dance “feeds her soul.” This photo of her was taken last year in downtown Texarkana for promotion materials for The Sportsplex. (Photo by TRENT HINES)

Carmen admits that dance “feeds her soul.” This photo of her was taken last year in downtown Texarkana for promotion materials for The Sportsplex. (Photo by TRENT HINES)

Carmen Engledowl’s favorite moments are spent training troops on Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN) operations. “It’s incredibly rewarding to impart my knowledge and even more rewarding when they make astounding improvements. Teaching is a huge part of being in a leadership position in the military.  No matter what area of expertise you operate in, your main job is the development and care of the people around you,” she explains.  “The primary focus of a non-commissioned officer is building soldiers who are strong in body and mind and equipped physically and mentally to be efficient and skilled in all their duties. It is hands down the best part of my job.”

Passionate about teaching and passionate about excellence, Carmen also is a certified personal trainer with several specialties, and has years of programming and instructing experience.  She and fellow director Billy Cruetz not only manage the gym operations, logistics, programs, etc., but also regularly speak into the lives of the team members.  She says she is fortunate to work for HealthCARE Express owners Tim and Pam Reynolds who believe that investing in their people is the key to building successful businesses.  

At the Sportsplex, Carmen teaches dance in addition to the group fitness classes and one-on-one training. “I still teach dance at The Plex regularly, because it feeds my soul. Dancing is important for me, personally. But more than that, it is important for me to share its healing powers with others. A body in motion warms, lengthens, softens, and strengthens stiff, tight, and weak muscles and joints. More so than that though, if you let it, it will also do the same for your heart,” she shares. “I am convinced that dancing breeds radiance, confidence, and strength, because I have watched it happen over and over again thru the years.”

Motherhood has been Carmen’s greatest source of challenge and joy.  “Tristan was an unexpected blessing that gave me purpose and drive to get my life together. My husband, Paul, came into our life not long after that and propelled us both forward. Caliapy came a few years later to complete our world,” she says.  “I am convinced that I had no idea what love was until I had children. I thought I did, but I have never loved anyone so fiercely and so completely like I do them. And I am a better person today because of Paul’s love and support. He keeps me grounded and level-headed, but still understands my need for uncertainty and adventure. He instinctively knows when I need him to calm the storm of crazy inside me and when I need him to just ride the unruly waves. I would not be able to be the leader I am today if it were not for the emotional strength and support he provides.”

Overcoming the self-destructive habits of the broken woman she used to be is Carmen’s proudest personal accomplishment.  Although she still struggles at times, she says that it is no longer a daily battle.  She is whole, strong, and lives a good life as a wife, mom, and leader in both the civilian and military sectors.

When Carole transplanted to Texarkana from Hot Springs Village, Arkansas, to be near to her daughter and her family, she sought out volunteer opportunities.  She proudly earned the Salvation Army’s Volunteer of the Year Award in 2014 and has helped out numerous nonprofit organizations, including Hospice of Texarkana, Texas Association of Garden Clubs, Rose Garden Club, Daughters of the  American Revolution, Lone Star Chapter, and United Methodist Women.

Jim and Carole have been members of Hardy United Methodist Church for the past eight years where she has enjoyed being in the choir.  Her proudest professional accomplishment was helping her husband run Boswell Security Inc. Spending time with family and friends is important to the Boswells.  They truly love living in Texarkana and believe that if everyone lived by the Ten Commandments and The Golden Rule, then the world would be a beautiful and wonderful place.

Carole concludes, “If I could share one piece of advice with young women today, I would tell them to always enter a room with a smile on their face.”  Great advice from a lady who believes in service above self and enjoys helping others.

“Life is for the living.   Death is for the dead.   Let life be like music.”


The Way Terri Lynn Sees Her

I want to nominate Carmen Engledowl for this honor.  When I think of a woman who has greatly impacted my life, I immediately think of Carmen. She radiates beauty and grace but also strength and empowerment! Her ability to make you believe you can do anything is second-to-none. She will believe in you even when you can’t believe in yourself, yet she takes no excuses from you and has the ability to say what needs to be said exactly the way you need to hear it.  When you meet Carmen, you can’t help but gravitate to her. She is an amazing dancer, and she uses that talent to speak life into so many people. I have taken her classes at The Sportsplex and been moved to tears many times. She has a way of making you believe you can do anything. For these reasons and so many more, I can’t think of anyone more deserving of this award.


What is something unique about you that most people would not know?

“In the Army, I am a Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Specialist (CBRN), and I’m really good at it.  It is important to me that I devote myself to excellence in everything I do. So I have studied and practiced to make sure I am a subject matter expert in every area of my job. The official job description is, ‘Soldiers who are trained to deal with weapons of mass destruction, including the defense against WMD as well as reconnaissance (preliminary research, surveillance, and exploitation), response and decontamination procedures in the case of a CBRN event.’  It is a perfect mixture of the tactical world and the science world. I am quite passionate about it and love training soldiers to be the best CBRN soldier they can be.”

If you could have dinner with one person, famous or not, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?

“My mom’s dad.  My mom talks about him all the time.  He served in the military, worked as a mechanic for Ford, and apparently made his own beer on the kitchen counter.  He seems like he would be great porch-sitting  company, and I know he would think my kids and husband are awesome.”

If you could travel to space, and it was free, would you go?

“For sure. Life is for the living!”

What music do you listen to in your vehicle?

“The kids are normally in the car with me, so we like to listen to Radio Lab podcasts or movie soundtracks.  If I’m ever by myself, I usually just enjoy the silence.”

What did you imagine yourself being when you were growing up?

“A teacher, which actually did happen, just not in the schoolhouse.”

What is the last gift you gave someone?

“A Family Feud game for my kids.”

What is your favorite meal that you order regularly at a local establishment?

“I love variety and excitement, so I don’t really have a ‘go to.’  As a rule, my husband and I try to go where we’ve never been to experience something we never have.  For food, this means we either pick an entrée that we have never tried from a place we love, or we will choose an establishment we haven’t been to at all before.  The ‘rule’ works for travel, vacation, staycation, hobbies, exercise, cooking, etc.”

If there was a movie produced about your life, which actress would portray you?

“I honestly have no idea how to answer this, so I polled my Facebook friends to find the answer.  It was almost unanimous that Paige Spara is my look-alike!”