Sarah Mascoe


Sarah Mascoe

Four States Living Tribute To Women



A busy mother of two daughters, Emma (15) and Harper (8), Sarah Mascoe has always dreamed of being a hairstylist.  For 12 years now, she has been a hairdresser, and for 4 years, she has also enjoyed being a lash artist.  Both of these professions help others feel good about themselves and keep Sarah motivated and content as she follows her lifelong dreams.

During an epic trip to New Zealand, Sarah and her mother visited Milford Sound. Sarah had seen a google pic from this exact spot and put it on her bucket list. She said that “New Zealand was the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen in my life, by far…

During an epic trip to New Zealand, Sarah and her mother visited Milford Sound. Sarah had seen a google pic from this exact spot and put it on her bucket list. She said that “New Zealand was the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen in my life, by far.”

A hairstylist with Tranquility Day Spa and Salon, Sarah Mascoe says, “I am very proud to have had the same career that I love for 12 years.  I don’t think there is one defining moment that I could call my proudest professional accomplishment.  My career has always been very rewarding to me.”  

First and foremost, being a mother to two beautiful girls is Sarah’s biggest achievement.  Buying a house all by herself as a single mother is high on the list of Sarah’s proudest personal accomplishments, too.  

A hardworking, determined women with a big heart, Sarah considers herself to be very blessed with a wonderful career and beautiful children.  She enjoys paying it forward by being a blessing to others and helping out where and when she is needed. 

Sarah’s mother, Christine Heath, also known as “Honey,” has been the biggest positive role model to her.  “My mother is truly my best friend and my biggest cheerleader,” she says.

Sarah encourages other young women to always be confident, believe in themselves, and never settle for less than they deserve.  “Good things take time, patience and hard work,” she says.  “I encourage others to support their fellow women and mothers, and cheer them on.  We are all in this together!”

“Lord willing and the creek don’t rise.”

- Ms. Faye (a client of Heather Richardson-Green’s, Sarah’s coworker)  


The Way Tiffany Labrada Sees Her

I have known Sarah for the past 12+ years as we started our beauty and health professions together at Two’s Company Salon. While we were both fresh out of our trade schools, we became good friends due to our professions. I remember her sweet daughter, Emma, coming with her to the salon. Emma would always ask me for paper and a pencil, and she would run under my massage table with her favorite stuffed animal, “Giraffee.”  She would sit and draw on her paper until her mom would come get her.  During this time, I was able to watch Sarah build a base to her clientele.  As time went on, I soon moved out to my own business location and offered her a job with me as my receptionist. Thankfully, she accepted, and we began the professional road to success together. Sarah committed several successful years to me and my business, Tranquility Day Spa and Salon, when I expanded once again to a larger location where we then would reunite, and Sarah took off in her own career of hairstyling and furthering her career skills by becoming a lash artist.  Sarah has always been by my side through the thick and thin of new business beginnings.  I relied on her many times, and she never let me down. We laugh now about the things we have been through.  I have had the pleasure to watch this beautiful young mother of two develop into the prosperous and successful individual she is today.   I admire her for knowing what she wanted for her career, and she has had huge success with her decisions.  Sarah has developed a strong understanding in her profession and has built loyal trust with her clients and coworkers.  She is always available with a listening ear and a helping hand. I wanted to honor her with this nomination to show to her how truly blessed and inspiring she is to those around her through her beautiful character and knowledge. 


What is something unique about you that most people would not know?

“From the ages of 12-15, I traveled with my parents doing evangelic ministries.  At one point, we spent two months in South Africa.”

If you could have dinner with one person, famous or not, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?

“My paternal grandmother who passed when I was 3, so I could have a memory of her.”

If you could travel to space, and it was free, would you go?


What music do you listen to in your vehicle?

“All of it, literally.  It depends on my mood at the moment, but there is always music going, for sure!”

What did you imagine yourself being when you were growing up?

“Actually I always wanted to be a hairstylist because I wanted to be in an industry that helps others feel good about themselves and be creative at the same time.”

What is the last gift you gave someone?

“A rescue cat for Emma’s 15th birthday.”

What is your favorite meal that you order regularly at a local establishment?

“Probably medium rare prime rib from Texas Roadhouse.  It never lets me down.”

If there was a movie produced about your life, which actress would portray you?

“Kate Hudson.”