Debbie Norton


Debbie Norton

Four States Living Tribute To Women



A friend to all she meets, Debbie Norton is a retired Red Lick ISD educator after 34 years of service.  During her early teaching career, she taught at Red Lick Common School, where she had a self-contained fourth grade classroom teaching all subjects including music and PE.  During the ’80s, the district departmentalized, and she taught all middle school math, Algebra 1, and maintained the school’s library.  In the mid-’90s, she served as District Technology Director and District Librarian over a student population that was growing by leaps and bounds.  And by the mid-2000s, the district expanded to two beautiful campuses, all while under the direction of Dr. Richard Hervey, staff, and community members who brought Red Lick from that one building to the modern facility it is today.

Debbie (second from right) with her friends Amy Sanderson, Tracey Boyles and Vicki Keener during a United States Powerlifting Association meet in June 2018.

Debbie (second from right) with her friends Amy Sanderson, Tracey Boyles and Vicki Keener during a United States Powerlifting Association meet in June 2018.

Debbie Norton takes pride in her family.  Her heart is happy that all three of her children are strong, self-sufficient individuals that fiercely love and take care of her four grandchildren.  Debbie Norton and her late husband, Doug, have twin daughters, Lawren Marie Fendrich (married to Manning) and Lissa Michelle Cherry (married to Mike). 

 Staying in touch with former students and knowing that they still care about her is important to Debbie.  “These former students share news of their lives and families with me and never fail to make me feel loved and remembered,” she shares.

As her children were involved in activities while growing up, so was Debbie.  Since retirement, she has been active in her high school alumni organization, the Purple Pride Alumni Band and Angleton Alumni Association’s scholarship programs.  This past October, she even cohosted the Class of 1969’s 50th class reunion and serves as co-chair for this year’s Angleton High School Blast from the Past Celebration.

Debbie is very grateful for loving parents, Lawrence and Helen Vaughan, who have always been her biggest cheerleaders in life.  She also is blessed to have her longtime friend, coworker, and confidante, Bertie Norton, who has guided and influenced her throughout her career.  Last but not least, Debbie is forever grateful to her childhood best friend for over 61 years, Katie Jacobson Clegg.  The two of them have shared a lifetime of adventures and years of family milestones together.

Pre- and post-Corona, Debbie loves working out with her sisters, the Butterfly “Texarkana College Early Morning Crew!”  This group meets every weekday morning predawn to encourage and exercise together.  “They are my lifeline!  For now during the quarantine, I walk a 20-minute mile or two everyday, work in my yard, and recently joined an online hula hoop group,” she explains.  “We post videos and give suggestions for improvement.  I also love to fish, swim, spend time with my family.  I have cows and chickens that are a great source of relaxation and satisfaction for me.”

“Don’t panic.  Time and a cool head will get you

through many a tough situation.”      

-  Lawrence Vaughan (Debbie’s father)


The Way Gina Clark Sees Her

It is my honor to nominate Debbie Norton for this year’s Tribute to Women!  Debbie has been friends of my family’s since before I was born.  She has been in my life for as long as I can remember.  She later became my 6th grade math teacher.   One of the things that I appreciate most about Debbie is her willingness to go out of her way to help people.  I can remember her working at Red Lick School and staying late at night because a repairman broke down and couldn’t get there until 2 a.m.  She made sure her school was taken care of; she was not only a family friend and teacher, but a great mentor in my life. I would remember babysitting her twins, taking trips with her to visit her parents in Overton, and going to the lake each summer where she and her husband, Doug, taught me to ski.  She is the type of person that cares for others and makes you feel like you can accomplish anything. She is a giver and encourager, and you always feel special around her, as if she has especially set aside time for you.  Debbie loves spending time with her friends, children, grandchildren,  and her parents.   She has always loved the Red Lick Community and Red Lick School.  I have been blessed to call her my friend, role model, and mentor growing up.  I have cherished each and every moment spent with her.


What is something unique about you that most people would not know?

“I hold four state records for powerlifting in my age and weight category.  The last one this past year was just 9 months after triple bypass surgery.  That goal helped me focus during my recovery.”

If you could have dinner with one person, famous or not, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?

“I would like to have dinner with my late husband, Doug.  I would ask him all those things that I need to know about cows and kids and the future.  I want to hear him say he’s been proud of me these past four years, and I’d tell him one more time that I love him.”

If you could travel to space, and it was free, would you go?

“Yes.  I’d be scared, of course, but what an opportunity, and what a thrill!”

What music do you listen to in your vehicle?

“I like country, especially ‘old’ country, and I love music from the sixties.”

What did you imagine yourself being when you were growing up?

“I didn’t know it at the time, but I was already a teacher at a young age.  Since I was the oldest girl on our street, I babysat a lot and remember teaching things like how to ride a bicycle, how to tie your shoes and whistle, and how to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to all my little ones.”

What is the last gift you gave someone?

“Fresh eggs to my neighbors.”

What is your favorite meal that you order regularly at a local establishment?

“I love liver and onions from Dixie Diner, chicken and dressing from Off the Fire, and the veggie lover sandwich from Ironwood Grill.  The owners of these establishments are local and the best people!”

If there was a movie produced about your life, which actress would portray you?

“I’m going to say Sophia Loren in honor of Doug Norton.  From the day we first met, he admired her and certainly would have loved to portray her husband!”