Shirley Bradford


Shirley Bradford

Four States Living Tribute To Women



A pastor’s wife, church clerk, and Sunday school teacher, it is easy to see that Shirley Bradford keeps herself very busy.  Married to husband, George, the couple has a daughter, Pamela, and a son, Walter.

Shirley and George attended his class reunion during September 2017 in Tallulah, Louisiana.

Shirley and George attended his class reunion during September 2017 in Tallulah, Louisiana.

Joyful and straight-forward, Shirley Bradford enjoys learning music, reading, studying the Bible, and working out with friends.  Although she stays very busy, Shirley finds plenty of time to devote to community service.  She enjoys being a part of a nursing home ministry, helps out with the Fellowship of Missions, and serves as a Bible Study Fellowship leader.  

When asked who has influenced her the most over the course of her life, Shirley says, “My older sister, Frankie, has been a great influence to me over the years.  Now, my Bible Study Fellowship family is a guiding light in my life.” 

Although she has had many accomplishments throughout her life, graduating as salutatorian of the 1968 class at Wood Street High School in Ashdown was Shirley’s proudest personal accomplishment.  Being a shipping trainer and personnel interviewer for Domtar serves as her proudest professional achievement. 

If Shirley was asked to share one piece of advice with young women today, she would tell them to appreciate the beauty that God has given them, spend time with Him, and acknowledge Him in all their ways.

“Don’t depend on anyone to take care of you.  

Work and take care of yourself.”

    - Samantha Armstrong (Shirley’s aunt)


The Way Rhonda King Sees Her

I first met Shirley in September of 2018 at Bible Study Fellowship (BSF), an international group comprised of women from many denominations.  She was the small group leader for the 15 or so women assigned to her for the 30-week study.  During that period of time, I grew to admire her for many reasons, mostly because of the thought-provoking challenges she put before us weekly.  She encouraged us in an exciting way to understand and apply how God was at work in each of us. To look at Shirley, you would think she’s always had a charmed life; however, she has boldly shared her testimony including times in her past that could have defeated her.  It was in her authentic sharing that we grew to love her. She has a magnetic warmth, a great laugh, and a friendly caring spirit.  Always bubbly, approachable, and kind, I’m glad to call her my friend!


What is something unique about you that most people would not know?

“I have two written and published songs to my credit.”

If you could have dinner with one person, famous or not, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?

“I would love to have dinner with Dolly Parton so she could hear my songs and tell me if they are any good.”

If you could travel to space, and it was free, would you go?

“In one quick word – no.”

What music do you listen to in your vehicle?

“I enjoy listening to talk radio.”

What did you imagine yourself being when you were growing up?

“I wanted to be a school teacher or secretary.”

What is the last gift you gave someone?

“I can’t tell what it was, but it was for my secret pal at Hospice of Texarkana.”

What is your favorite meal that you order regularly at a local establishment?

“I was raised on and have raised my kids on Mexican food.”

If there was a movie produced about your life, which actress would portray you?

“Bette Midler.”