Greg Morgan

age: 26 | Pastor | Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

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“In a broad perspective, my role as a pastor is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by preaching and teaching the word of God,” explains Greg Morgan, pastor of Williams Memorial United Methodist Church.  “I am also called to order the business of the church, administer the sacraments of communion and baptism, and serve the church and community. More specifically, I preach weekly at the contemporary service, provide care to church members through hospital visits, teach Bible studies throughout the year, and oversee the discipleship ministries of the church including children, youth, and adult education.”

Greg became the first in his family to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in 2015.  He comes from a long line of manual laborers and people who did not pursue furthering their education, although some started. He also continued to pursue a higher education, which was necessary to become a pastor in the United Methodist Church, graduating in 2019 with two master’s degrees. This year, he took the leap to go the full distance and seek the highest academic achievement he can by getting accepted to pursue a doctorate at Baylor University.

“Since coming to Texarkana a year ago, I have been immersed in learning about the community and its needs through the Leadership Texarkana program. I have enjoyed volunteering and helping at the Randy Sams’ Outreach Shelter, Mission Texarkana, the Salvation Army, and the food pantry ministry at Williams Memorial,” he explains.  “I have especially had a passion for helping and supporting Runnin’ WJ Ranch through my prayers, my presence, my gifts, and my service, including participation in their Night to Shine and rodeo events.”

In the future, Greg hopes to transition from associate pastor to become the senior pastor of a congregation. Although he is not 100% sure where God will lead him, he thinks the possibilities are endless.  He concludes, “I could still be serving as an associate pastor in Texarkana 10 years from now, and if so, praise God for it! On the other hand, I could be in Galveston leading a church with multiple campuses, and if so, praise God for it! Wherever I may be, my prayer will always remain that my ministry brings glory and honor to the Name above every other name.”

Best piece of advice:

“Only two things are ‘forever’ – people and the word of the living God. A life devoted to these, as yours is, will never be wasted.” – Dr. Lawson G. Stone, Greg’s faculty advisor and discipleship group leader

Name something about you that very few people know:

“While in college, I worked as a professional clown during the Christmas season for a ministry dedicated to helping low income families with children.”