Natalie Haywood

age: 31 | Director of Events & Communications Texarkana USA Regional Chamber of Commerce


As Director of Events & Communications at the Texarkana USA Regional Chamber of Commerce, Natalie Haywood plans events and markets the Chamber.  “We strive, everyday, to bring value to our members and the community by providing dynamic events and programs,” she explains.  “Our goal at the Chamber is to connect businesses with each other and the community. We keep that goal in mind during everything we do.”

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, the Chamber has adapted its outreach methods by utilizing Facebook and Zoom to reach Texarkana residents.  Natalie has been an integral part of the “We’re Open” campaign where the Chamber delivered “We’re Open” signs to businesses after the shelter-in-place was lifted.  Over 66 businesses participated in the campaign, and the largest Facebook post reached over 17,000 people.  “We’re also planning an event for September 15-16 called Engaging Texarkana.  We’re going to deliver a keynote speaker and breakout sessions virtually to our business community,” she explains.

Natalie’s entire focus at the Chamber is about community. She has quickly realized how much gratification she receives when connecting people in need. “Whether it’s a senior calling our office who needs a ride to a doctor’s appointment or a business needing exposure … I’m happy to help!” she acknowledges.

Married to Josh, Natalie admits that her greatest personal accomplishment to-date is keeping their kids, Charlie and Jimmie, alive and well. “That’s where the real work is put in!” Natalie admits.  “Charlie is an adventurous 3-year-old boy that loves everything motorcycle-, bicycle-, and monster truck-related. We’re predicting he’ll be a BMX rider one day! Jimmie (4 months old), is showing her little personality more each day. She is named after my dad, and supposedly (according to the Census) is the only female named Jimmie since the ’70s!”

For fun, Natalie enjoys going to the river and hanging out with her “Tuesday Night” group of friends (12 adults and 10 children) who go out to eat together every Tuesday evening when there isn’t a global pandemic going on.  Where does Natalie see herself in 10 years?  She wants to continue being a leader in the Texarkana community.  “I love this great city and want to see it grow to its utmost potential!”

Best piece of advice:

“You learn something new every day.” – Opal Peek, Natalie’s grandmother

Name something about you that very few people know:

“I’m scuba certified, and I used to sell knives in college.”