Lauren Ross

age: 33 | Social Media Manager | LifeStance Health


Lauren Ross represents LifeStance Health across their social channels and builds the voice of the brand.  She manages, monitors, and moderates online customer relationships, and creates campaigns and content to enhance their online presence. “I see my job as a ‘frontline defense’ as the reputation for the brand,” she explains.  “So much of a business’ success can be largely positively or negatively impacted by social media.  I’m here to make sure it is positive.”

Through her job, Lauren is able to turn a passion project into a career.  “I’m so proud of the work LifeStance Health is doing to bridge the gap of access to mental health care,” she says. “It’s a cause I’ve been passionate about for years.”  LifeStance Health gives teletherapy access to over 2,300 healthcare providers while accepting insurance and offering telepsychiatry services to people who otherwise may not have access to that level of care.

Lauren’s greatest personal blessing is her family.  She is very thankful for the life she and her husband, Jason, have built together and loves spending time with her girls, Emerie and Nora.  

A proud board member of the Texarkana Symphony Orchestra, Lauren truly appreciates the exceptional talent and hidden gems that are involved with the TSO.  She is also a member of Williams Memorial United Methodist Church and volunteers with the Williams School.  “I still am extremely proud of the work CHRISTUS St. Michael is doing in our community,” she says.  “I still volunteer for them when I am able.”

Lauren looks forward to whatever life throws at her in the future.  She admits that some of the best things that have ever happened in her life are things she never planned or anticipated, so she tries to live “one day at a time.”

Best piece of advice:

“The greatest growth comes from outside your comfort zone; to reach that, you have to get uncomfortable.” –Sue Johnson, Lauren’s mentor at CHRISTUS St. Michael

Name something about you that very few people know:

“I once won a karaoke contest for my exceptional rendition of ‘Gangster’s Paradise.’ No autographs, please.”