Mary Beth Rudel

age: 36 | Deputy Director | Ark-Tex Council of Governments


In her role as deputy director at Ark-Tex Council of Governments (ATCOG), Mary Beth Rudel coordinates with the executive director and program heads to implement federal, state, and local programs that provide vital services to communities in ATCOG’s 10-county region.  She supports the executive director in strategic planning for the region and assists with day-to-day agency decisions and operations. “I love that everything our agency does improves the lives of the citizens in our communities in some way. The direct services we provide are public transportation, housing, meals, and home improvements. Our indirect services are providing training to first responders, loans to small businesses, 9-1-1 service to public safety answer points, environmental services, grants for regional development, or planning for disaster mitigation, preparedness, and response,” she explains. “Knowing that I play a role in the success of these programs and services that help so many is very rewarding. The very dedicated ATCOG staff makes these programs and services a true success; therefore, it is very important that I, as a co-leader of ATCOG, work to ensure that staff’s professional needs are met and that employees know the agency supports them. Every day brings new challenges which keeps me on my toes. I enjoy the work I do and find fulfillment in knowing that I am helping others in our agency and our communities.” 

One of Mary Beth’s greatest professional accomplishments has been leading in the design and construction of the ATCOG Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The funding for the EOC was provided by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Emergency Operations Center grant, and the EOC was completed in 2014. The purpose of the EOC is to provide a space for multi-jurisdictional emergency operation coordination for cities and counties in the ATCOG region. For many years, the facility was used for emergency training purposes only. Then, in March 2020, when the COVID pandemic hit our communities, the EOC was utilized for its true intended purpose. Representatives from multiple jurisdictions and agencies worked many long hours inside the EOC coordinating their responses to the pandemic and disseminating information to citizens. Mary Beth is grateful that she had a part in establishing a space that jurisdictions can use for years to come during critical events.

“My greatest personal accomplishment, together with my husband, Dusty, is leading our children, Maggie and Riley, to Christ and being able to witness their decision to follow Him with their lives,” Mary Beth comments. “There’s nothing greater than that!”

Mary Beth serves on the Texarkana Metropolitan Planning Organization Technical Advisory Committee and coordinates with the Texarkana Chamber of Commerce (and other Chambers in the ATCOG region) in planning biennial legislative events in Austin. Assisting with the implementation of various inter-local agreements for services between ATCOG and the City of Texarkana is another way she is privileged in giving back to Texarkana.  She is very active at First Baptist Church Queen City as an AWANA Cubbies Director, Assistant Children’s Director, Ladies Ministry Leader, and participant in the Backpack Food Ministry for Children. Through financial donations as well as material donations coordinated through her church, she supports Mission Texarkana and the ShelterKidz Ministry. She also provides personal financial support to the Texas A&M System, which is near and dear to her heart.

Best piece of advice:

“When you mess up, you must own it, and then forgive yourself. You cannot be useful to others while living under the burden of past mistakes.” — Gayle Miller, Mary Beth’s mother

Name something about you that very few people know:

“I have a healthy fear of the ocean and the creatures within – especially whales. They’re massive!”