Mikki Curtis

age: 31 | Dean of Secondary Programs | University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana


Mikki Curtis works with area secondary schools to provide higher educational opportunities on the UAHT campus for their students while they are still in high school.  Her specific programs include the Arkansas High Collegiate Academy and the Texarkana Secondary Career & Technical Education Center.  She explains, “The Collegiate Academy is a partnership between UAHT and TASD.  Students begin the academy (located on the UA-Texarkana campus) in the 10th grade and can potentially graduate with their high school diploma and Associate of Arts degree simultaneously.  The Secondary Career Center provides students in our service area school districts the opportunity to graduate with a certificate of proficiency in CNA, EMT, Information Technology, Welding, and Industrial Maintenance. Both programs are completely free to students and allow them to get a head start on college and/or a career.”

Helping create the Collegiate Academy on both the Hope and Texarkana campuses is one of Mikki’s greatest professional accomplishments.  This past year, she watched her first group of seniors walk across the UAHT stage and graduate with their Associate of Arts degrees.  “I love what I do because I enjoy helping students get ahead in their education.  These programs also allow students the opportunity to have a better future by helping them and their families financially,” she explains.  “Being an educator is a great calling, and it is my mission to do what is best for my kids and to show them God’s love.”

Marrying her husband, Casey, is Mikki’s biggest personal achievement.  She admits that he is her “biggest cheerleader and encourager.”  When she isn’t at work, Mikki can be found traveling, hiking, listening to crime podcasts, antiquing, and spending time with her family, her two dogs (Daisy Mae and Jenny) and cat (Kitty Minaj).  She also volunteers at UAHT Foundation events that help raise scholarship money for Texarkana students that attend UAHT.

In the near future, Mikki will be graduating with her PhD in Higher Education and Administration.  She plans  to continue working in higher education and become a chancellor or vice chancellor of academics.

Best piece of advice:

“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, I used everything You gave me.” – Erma Bombeck

Name something about you that very few people know:

“I am obsessed with Garth Brooks.”