Texas A&M University-Texarkana participates in The Big Event

On April 10, Texas A&M University-Texarkana faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends of the university scattered across Texarkana to perform acts of community service for local nonprofit organizations with 164 volunteers completing 650 hours of service at 22 locations around the city.

The Big Event is a day of service hosted by the university that began in 2017 and is designed to create a sense of pride throughout the city by helping with landscaping, maintenance, cleaning, and organizational tasks. From planting gardens and flowers to brush removal and painting, the volunteers set out to lend a hand wherever it was needed.

“The City of Texarkana, Texas, was very excited to continue our partnership with Texas A&M University-Texarkana on the Big Event,” said Keith Beason, City of Texarkana Planner.  “The student, faculty, and staff volunteers were a great help on a variety of projects. Their willingness to serve encouraged the community around them to make a difference in our community,” he said.

“Participating in The Big Event allows our Eagle family to not only give back to the community that supports us, but also demonstrates the importance of social responsibility,” said Michael Stephenson, TAMUT Assistant Director of Student Life. “As the event organizer, it is heartwarming to see how in just a few hours on a Saturday morning, a group of people can come together to share their talents and passions through community service.”

The 2021 Big event was sponsored by Farmers Bank & Trust and T-Mobile. To find out how your organization can be a part of the 2022 Big Event contact Michael Stephenson at 903-223-1362 or mstephenson@tamut.edu.