National League of Junior Cotillions - Texarkana Chapter Spring Ball

The National League of Junior Cotillions - Texarkana Chapter held its annual Spring Ball on February 22 at Texarkana Convention Center. Dressed semi-formally, sixth through eighth grade students participated in the elegant evening, complete with dance cards, contests, prizes, corsages, and boutonnieres.  This year’s Ball was “An Oriental Evening.”    

Prizes were awarded to Will Tipton, Kynlee Flippen, Landon Shelley and Julianna Horton for the foxtrot contest; Emma Gravier, Aidyn Morris, Kathryn Snow and Eden Venable for the swing contest; Julian Toby, Karadyn Alamond, Nicholas Rodriguez and Taylor Harding for the cha cha cha contest.  Those winning the Oriental Elimination, which required passing red styrofoam balls with chopsticks, were Sanders Wiggins, Adyson Mayo, Hayden Henry and Katie-Ella Webster.  The Snowball Dance winners, which required dancing the foxtrot and cha cha cha while holding a “snowball” between their foreheads, were Camylle Glass, Landon Shelley, Hayden Phelps and Adyson Mayo.

 The Cotillion Court consisted of queen, Julianna Horton; king, Hayden Phelps; princess, Denise Robinson; and prince, Landon Shelley.  Grady Mueller and Norah Jordan were named the sixth grade class prince and princess.  The seventh and eighth grade class students chosen as the king and queen were Whit Griffin and Madison Loucks.