Little Pieces of Sunlight

The Coronavirus has unfortunately brought life to a halt, postponing many events and causing many cancellations. But there are still little pieces of sunlight shining through this gloomy time.

Seniors across the country won’t have their scheduled graduation ceremonies, and senior athletes had their last season cut short. This has made parents and coaches want to do something special for their high school seniors. Lori Mueller is one of those proud moms who wanted to honor her son, Luke. She helped get the word out, like many others, with a picture. She hung her son’s jersey and graduation cap and gown in the window. Others paid tribute on their front doors. “It is a way to honor our senior players in hopes they get one more chance on the field,” commented Lori. The jerseys and gowns will stay up until the final day of the season and state playoff game which is scheduled for June.